As a result of the rating … Daegu Office of Education reopens the reception of the specialization application


The Metropolitan Office of Education in Daegu has resumed applications for admission to high school in 2019. An error was detected in the process of calculating my grade.
According to the Daegu Metropolitan Office of Education on August 28, a system error was identified in the process of calculating the score of 3,700 students enrolled in a specialized secondary school in 2019.
When calculating grades from lower secondary grades, they should not be included in free semester grades.

Education Office of Daegu City[중앙포토]

Education Office of Daegu City[중앙포토]

However, there was no error in the ranking system of the high schools of the four newly enrolled colleges, as this was reflected in the results of the free schooling period.
The schools are Seodaegu, Saraon, Joam, Chungcheong and Gyeongbuk, of which 157 students have applied for specialization in these schools.
An official from the Daegu Metropolitan Education Office said, "When every student writes their ballot in the Education Administration Information System (NEIS), they must apply for only five semesters. This system does not apply to the 4 newly enrolled schools. "Schools found mistakes and found them when they reported them."

With the error being confirmed, the Daegu Metropolitan Education Bureau decided to start special examination of entrance to the school in 2019 from the beginning.
As a result, 15 high schools in the Daegu region will be accepting the candidacy for two days, from April 29 to 30, and will be interviewing on Monday, December 3, December 3. The special general preselection will be accepted from December 5th to 6th and will be interviewed the same month of the 7th.
It was expected that these specialized high schools will receive a preferential job application from the 26th to the 27th of last month, then an interview on the 29th.

"Information System of the Administration of Education (NEIS)" [중앙포토]

"Information System of the Administration of Education (NEIS)" [중앙포토]

As a result, all applicants who have applied for the job application must first submit it again.
When the confusion of students and parents was anticipated, the Education Office of Daegu Metropolitan Area went to the emergency meeting under the supervision of Kang Eun – hee.
An official from the Metropolitan Office of Education Daegu said: "Due to a system error, it was reported that the number of students themselves was poorly understood. " If the candidates of these four students who present errors are reapplied, this could be contrary to the fairness of the entrance examination. I decided to accept it. "
Daegu = Choi Moran, Baek Kyung Seo reporter [email protected]

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