Asian Games Canoe South-North Unique Team, Joint Training at Tan-Geumho Stadium


A group of Canoe Draggan at the Asian Games in Jakarta and Palembang will train at the Chungju International Tuning Stadium in Chungbuk Province

"It is likely that North Korean players will be able to compete in the game. will train at Tanghwoolo Stadium when they leave the venue. " "North Korean players will come down next week, and we will start joint training immediately."

All three events needed time to breathe, so the North Korean players came to see us and trained together and decided to participate in the Asian Games.

In the case of a single canoe team, he was originally scheduled to stay in Taeungyeong village and train at Hanam Misari stadium.

Only one team should be formed at Tan Gilho Stadium.

Only one women's basketball team should be trained in Jincheon village, the official said. "The final decision has not been made, but the Tanghumho stadium is a good candidate at Hwacheon North Gyeonggi Stadium." The women's basketball team decided to gather a single team of nine players of three players, including South Korean players (25.181cm), Rosegye (26.167cm) and Kim Hye-yeon (20.16cm).

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