Asiana also "flipping flaws" … Anxiety about the holiday season


The aircraft Asiana was also disturbed by a defect.


Today (21st) morning, there is a situation where the flight is back in Japan after returning to Incheon. The Asiana Airlines A350 airliner, which was taking off from Fukuoka Airport in Japan at 11:28, had returned to Incheon International Airport.

Asiana stated that the "No Nod Landing Gear"

Asiana sent a replacement plane to the airport for a short while before returning to the airport. Fukuoka in the hour following his departure.

219 pbadengers were delayed on arrival in Incheon.

Asiana Airlines has delayed the departure of long-haul flights such as New York, Chicago and Rome due to this week's plane breakdown, which has raised security concerns.


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