Asiana's steward sings for the president


  Photos of President Park Sam-koo in the chat room of the Asiana Airlines employee group. [사진 YTN 제공]

Photos of President Park Sam-koo, who appeared in the chat room of the Asiana Airlines employee group. [사진 YTN 제공]

After the incident No meal, Asiana Airlines employees have requested the resignation of Park Sam – In particular, when Park is visiting headquarters or by plane, the problem is that members of Crew are mobilized during unknown events.

On May 7, KBS aired a video in May 2014, where students from the Asiana team practiced rhythms and songs to greet President Park's visit.

The students of the video call the song with heart-shaped paper in hand and the dramatic theme song "Smile with roses". When I saw him, I took a nap on my chest. "I love you as much as red roses. I do not know if this heart will burst. "

[사진 KBS 뉴스9 캡처]

[사진 KBS 뉴스9 캡처]

Crew members had to force these performances on every visit to Park, and the team members pointed to the team members when Park arrived:" Hold your hand deep and tighten it tightly. "And orderly actions such as.

Recently, the room that the staff of Asiana Airlines has opened has been exposed to the president every day. When the crew members involved in the event expressed their dissatisfaction, the company said that it forced the event by pushing the back of the crew members. There was an exclamation that "I was in the bathroom and was dragged." A former crew member said, "It's an educational atmosphere that says," When you meet the president, you have to throw your bag and run.

In particular, Asiana Airlines has once again raised its profile because its employees have been summoned only by the president, even as they control the panic crisis. The director of the executive level of Asiana Airlines told the staff on the morning of the 6th day: "Today, the CCC (President Park Sam-gu) will visit the airport at 10:30 pm I would like to check the Personal appearance and the clothes of the employees and I will move with the manager. Thank you. "

The problem is that the measures to ensure the safety of pbadengers are omitted or postponed for the second time by worrying about the visit of Park at the airport. In the chat room of Asiana Airlines staff, there were also exhibits that the flight pre-briefing was omitted or hindered in flight due to park-related events.

 Asiana Airlines employees hold pickets on the 6th to encourage executives to replace management and normalize their meals at the Criminal Justice Management Festival. Asiana Airlines in front of the Sejong Cultural Center, Jongno-gu, Seoul. [뉴스1]

Asiana Airlines employees hold a picket on June 6th, "Asiana Airlines Crime Criminal Criminal Festival" in front of the Sejong Cultural Center, Jongno – gu, Seoul, urging the change of direction and the normalization of the meal. [뉴스1]

Asiana Airlines employees will hold another rally on July 8, demanding the resignation of Park in Gwanghwamun, Seoul, on the evening of July 7.

Jeong Eun-hee reporter [email protected]

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