Axis "agreement with the victim, moral responsibility as a soul,


Wrapper said the ax had paid off his mother's debt.

The ax declared that he had decided to compensate the victim for his mother's controversy over his SNS on the 27th.

"The restaurant, which was run by my parents in 2002, went bankrupt 16 years ago because of the mad cow rumor, and the 10 million won debt was meant to pay the salaries of the employees," he said. said the ax, explaining why his mother was indebted.

"I knew this debt after knight," said the ax, baderting that he had not known his mother's work.

He explained: "I contacted the victim after last night and solved some misunderstandings.I decided to take responsibility for my son as son and give it to the victim. Finally, I finally accepted that. "

Previously, the mother claimed to have borrowed 1,000,000 won from college A alumni 20 years ago and not to have repaid it. The ax told the SNS television channel live with his mother: "I've never been a hustler, I've never been caught, I did not know it."

The ax immediately clarified the suspicions, but in this process it was pointed out that he had made a statement such as "10 million won for the price of my month's rice" and "If you want to get paid, come to me "The national petition is generating more and more public debates calling for a tax investigation on the ax.

[사진=도끼 인스타그램 캡처]

(SBS funE)

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