Baldness – Ministry of Industry, "South Korea Balanced Development Expo" held


[아시아경제 이광호 기자] The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy announced on the 8th that the National Committee for Balanced Development and 17 cities and provinces will meet and will organize the Balanced Development Expo of Korea 2018 at the Daejeon Convention Center (DCC) September 6-8

This event will be held in the Chungcheong Province for the first time in Korea, which is the largest regional exhibition held annually, starting with the Regional Innovation Expo in 2004.

In particular, this year's event will focus on "

Since the inauguration of the government of Moon Jae-in, it has been emphasized that the balanced national development is the absolute priority, that is why the first exhibition in Chungcheong Province

The Balanced Committee and the Ministry of Industry, with Daejeon City, the venue of the fair, For the enemy provides of teni r a balanced configuration court, the court of innovation, the court three major political programs.

In Balance Yard, we will show the representative successes of each province with the theme of innovation driven by the region.

In the field of innovation,

In the policy forum, the theme "Decentralization, Innovation and Integration" is shared with experts from overseas and overseas countries. ;other countries.

This Korean Balanced Development Expo 2018 will be held in the city of Daejeon, Korea through a fair that will be held in various areas of innovation and balanced development in various sciences One expects it is a basis for synergy and real achievement by combining technology.

He said, "This exhibition on balanced development in Korea 2018 will be an opportunity to identify our region which is being transformed by regional growth driven by the". innovation and continuously strengthen local innovation. It will be more active and energetic than ever, contributing to the realization of capabilities and the creation of regional innovation networks through exchange. "

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