Benefits of the computer room to the new mode "Gambit," & # 39; Destiny Guardians & # 39; (Destiny 2)


At the 'Destiny Franchise Meeting & # 39; which was held on July 2, Blizzard Korea announced that it would serve <데스티니 가디언즈> in Korea. <데스티니 가디언즈> is the domestic name of <데스티니2>.

<데스티니 가디언즈> is added to Blizzard & # 39; & # 39; September 6th. In addition, it addresses home users accustomed to PC room culture and offers computer room benefits, such as an increase of 25% in the experience and supply of PCs. First clbad equipment. I have summarized the information of <데스티니 가디언즈> revealed through the meeting of today.

# Korean dubbing until the end! <데스티니 가디언즈> which can be found on from Sept. 6 to the Korean official language, is the MMOFPS title of "Bungy's", a famous developer of the series <헤일로>. The user will become a "guardian" to save human beings from destruction and play the game against a vast universe.

Users can choose from three categories of "Titan", "Warlock" and "Hunter", and can upgrade their skills and equipment as items that can be earned as they progress. they are progressing in the game. In particular, the weapon in the "Exotic" scene contains a variety of special effects that can make your character more colorful.

Various games, various equipments can be worn

The game features content 'Story Mode', 'Attack of the attack', 'Raid' and & # 39; PVP & # 39; and there is a new content 'Gambit'.

In "Story Mode", you can enjoy the game with the background and the history of <데스티니 가디언즈>. The user becomes guardian of the human being as "guardian" and is transported around the solar system. There are planets with unique characteristics, and if <데스티니 가디언즈> is served in Korea, four cinematic stories (a kind of campaign) can be enjoyed right away.

"Attack of Attack & # 39; is one of the main contents of <데스티니 가디언즈> and it is a PvE mode in which three people become a team and cross the stage. In the offensive, users must play the game to achieve the goal of each step, and eventually let the boss down. Matchmaking allows you to join other users or invite your friends to play together.

& # 39; Reid & # 39; is a PvE content that brings even more fun to "attack." Six players will play in one team. It is important to communicate and collaborate with your team members as you need to solve the puzzle elements scattered on the map and beat your powerful head.

PvP content, "Trial Challenge", is divided into "Quick Combat" mode, "Competition" mode and "Designated Game" mode. Twenty-one cards and eight modes are available, and each player starts with a limited life, so you have to pay attention to the game.

<데스티니 가디언즈> Different modes are available

PVP Content Trial Mode [19659006] <데스티니 가디언즈> can be enjoyed in different PC rooms after launch. If you like <데스티니 가디언즈> in a PC room, you can enjoy all the content <데스티니 가디언즈> including the annual pbad, and gain 25% more experience.

If you access <데스티니 가디언즈> from the PC Room, you may receive a weapon and armor each week via "Yuna", a computer room NPC and "EVER BUCK". Can be done unlimitedly.

<데스티니 가디언즈> includes the & # 39; Essential Collection & # 39; (45,000 won) including the "Curse of Osiris" extension pack, "War Intelligence & # 39; and & # 39; Foseiken & # 39 ;, & quot; Black Arsenal & # 39;

NPC PC piece & Yuna & # 39;

Each Component and Price of the Collection

You Can Play 'Wild Shadow of Darkness' of Joker and it will be published as "Complete Collection". including Expansion Pack, 19659021]

# PvE and PvP in a game! New Gambit Play Mode & # 39;

The 'Gambit' game mode, which was first revealed at this conference, is a combination of PvE versus Artificial Intelligence and PvP against a user. real. Let's start with the video "Gambits", which was reprinted directly by the journalist.

Each player will team with four each. At this point, the users of each team should fight each other, rather than chasing enemies.

Gambit Mode is the first of its kind to pull out the "dust", it's a way to get a good shot from the enemy, according to the team that collects the most effectively and catches the leaders faster, it is likely that the winner will be cut. When collecting 15 mines, a more powerful monster will appear than normal monsters, and if you collect 75 monsters, the final boss, the primitive monster, will be summoned.

At this time, the portal that is held when collecting 25 motes is another key point to win the bet mode. If you collect 25 mines, you can enter the opponent's camp through the portal that opens, and the invaded user will be able to attack the enemy user. by mixing them among the monsters.

When a user enters an enemy camp, the user is reddish as a "monster" in the series <다크소울>. Unclear situations are unlikely to occur. In this way, it is a prerequisite to victory in Gambit mode to interfere with the collection of the opponent's motives, and to communicate quickly so that the friend can collect the motives quickly.

After the description of the new game mode 'Gambit', the developer and the reporter The question and the answer were followed. The questions were answered by Artistic Director Shikai Wang, Forsaken Project Director Scott Taylor, Game Director Steve Cotton and Global Project Director Jerry Hook.

From the right, King Shikai, Scott Taylor, Steve Cotton, Jerry Hook

Disguised game: Currently Abroad <데스티니2> was released. <데스티니 가디언즈> a new title?

<데스티니2> The name of the Korean service record is <데스티니 가디언즈>. I wanted to emphasize that everyone is a guardian, according to the Korean feeling that I like to be with my colleagues.

Can Korean users enjoy <데스티니 가디언즈> with people from all over the world?

Korean users will play on a separate Korean server. It was a decision to provide an optimal experience taking into account various factors such as communication.

When he was leaving on September 5, he stayed a little over two months.

<데스티니2> It has been about nine months since its publication.

I tried to do a complete localization in collaboration with Blizzard. There were many things to worry about such as voice actors and voice dubbing. So I released him late.

The update date of the new Forsaken extension pack & # 39; is the same as the launch in Korea. All subsequent DLCs are also added to <데스티니 가디언즈> without time difference?

Yes. In the future, the content will be available in Korea in time for the overall update.

The face of the "Yuna" NPC in the PC Room is familiar. Is there a reference model?

The new mode "Gambit" seems to some extent to have in mind the e-sport: it is a character that does not designate the 39, origin anyone other than the original character but who looks attractive to Korea. Whether it's a bet or a PvP mode, is there an online / offline contest or a global convention plan?

Thank you for viewing our content positively. I think the potential of eSports is enough, but I think we should first look at the comments of the users.

There are many people who have already played the official trailer of "Gambit".

French version <데스티니2>.

Currently, we do not support mobile accounts in English.

It seems that there is an illegal program problem because it is a game. I will try to solve it by collaborating with Blizzard.

We have prepared various defense systems such as hacking and cheating. But it's hard to say in detail.

<데스티니2> Many people enjoy the console as well as the PC.

With regard to the packaging product, the speed of content consumption is inevitably fast. Is there a plan for the future?

<데스티니 가디언즈> The ultimate goal is to keep having fun. When you buy the complete edition, you can enjoy all the content that will come out later. I know that the speed of content consumption of Korean users is fast.

Is <데스티니 가디언즈> the first release of Blizzard If so, I'd like to hear what that means, and follow-up publication plans.

<데스티니 가디언즈> is the first publication title. From this title, you can publish many games in the future. The business is very significant. Blizzard is actually "Activision Blizzard". You can start with the opportunity to join the various Activision queues together in Blizzard. We will publish <콜 오브 듀티: 블랙옵스 4> only after the publication of the information. B, e, v, n, t, s)

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