Bike accidents: 15,000 on average, 275 people killed


Cycling traffic accidents occur at an annual average of more than 15,000 people and the death toll is 300 people.

According to the report "Features and Safety Measures for Cycling Accidents", published by the Samsung Traffic Safety Culture Institute, the average number of bicycle accidents per year for the four years of 2013 was 15,571 and the average number of deaths of 275.

Cycling accidents accounted for 7% of all road accidents, and bicycle accidents accounted for 5.9% of all road accidents.

The number of bike accidents attributable to the negligence of drivers increased by 39.7%, from 4,249 in 2013 to 5,936 in 2016, while the number of fatal accidents increased by 11, 9%, from 101 to 113.

Cycling accidents occur most often between 4pm and 7pm

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