Billboard "Avon Pink, 8th edition of the Good Morning Show" .. Spotlight


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[OSEN=선미경 기자] In the famous US media display panel, I have underlined the title song of "ONE & SIX", "I do not know." have not & # 39; in the 7th album & # 39; Pink Mini & # 39 ;.

"Apin makes a bold comeback with Billboard" on the official website of the second day (local time) Video]

In particular, about the title song "There is not one", "six reeds vocals" that the best technique of synth and singing stands out "" This new song is the Black Eyed song of the Korean production team, which has a strong melody, a dramatic transition and an intense chorus and self-styled "Una Nanana ". "

In addition to presenting the music video," I do not have 1 "in the video clip, six members revealed the sensual aspect by introducing a more mature look to maximize their charisma and their only other sweet girl like the previous style to break up women and is very bright.In particular, "No 1" did not follow a specific scenario, but showed a different vision of each woman in different ways, and has set a dramatic farewell scene between music videos as a whole.

Previously, Apex was ranked 12th on the Billboard World album chart with the third album 'Pink Revolution & # 39; released in 2016, and the Mini 6 released in 2017, the album was ranked 14th by "Pink UP", and Billboard has highlighted its Mini 7's ONE & SIX & # 39; 39, proving its worldwide popularity.

In addition, A Pink won the top song of the domestic music source on the day of e the release of the new song "no 1", and the last three days, iTunes, France, Portugal, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan,

It's not uncommon for YouTube to answer iTunes as a major indicator of popularity abroad, since it is ranked No. 1 on the charts of the K-Pop album, and has attracted national and international attention. The music video "No 1" was broadcast in less than 48 hours, surpbading 600 million views on YouTube, and continuing its upward trend to 10 million views.

Release of the mini 7th album "ONE & SIX" And the new song "I do not have any", Ei-Pink actively broadcasts and meets fans. In addition, A Pink will organize "Apink Asia Tour 2018" in various regions from Hong Kong in August, and will prove its global popularity as a representative girl group of Korea. /[email protected]

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