Binoculars "underperforming" are delivered to the army and 4 billion … Contractors 2-Deep Shaped


Contractors who were able to deliver the combat binoculars to soldiers who were not able to perform under the low impact and received the benefits of the bonus were sentenced to imprisonment by the police. court of call.

million. Choi, a 35-year-old employee of a company run by Mr. Lee, also said that he had been sentenced to three years in prison by a 60-year-old prisoner accused of obstructing him. 39, execution of official business.

Lee and his colleagues made a binocular model made by Chinese companies in 2013 to manufacture 2,000 combat binoculars that are inferior to quality requirements and provide them to the military.

The binoculars delivered by them were of the same size, weight, and resolution, which measures the clarity of the subject.

In addition, the prism was not set at internal fixation, and the prism broke up due to a low impact.

In the fall test commissioned by the Korea Industrial Technology Development Institute, the binoculars

The binoculars were wrapped with an air cap (aka 뽁뽁 i) to fall to meet the standard drop test, and they went down.

It was found that the staffs complied with the result of the inspection of the finished product and received the higher payment

In addition, Mr. Lee is actually a company, but many Then, after participating in the call for tenders ordered by the military and set the price, 2012

The court said: "The quality of the product is not sufficient but the product is cheap and of low quality in order to make a lot of profit. "

He said:" The damage is caused by the people, and even by the danger of weakening the national defense force .

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