Births in September · Number of weddings … "Chuseok Influence"> Economy> News


The number of babies born in September of this year was again the lowest in September. The number of marriages was also the lowest since the generation of statistics.

According to the demographic trend of the National Statistical Office (September 28), the number of newborns in September was 26,000, down 13.3% from the same month of the year last. This is the lowest since September 1981, when monthly birth statistics were compiled. The decline was the strongest in 16 years, after recording 13.3% in 2002.

The number of newborns has decreased in the last 34 months compared to the same period last year and the lowest monthly record is 30 months.

In the third quarter, births had dropped from 10.3% to 84,000 over the previous year and the total fertility rate, estimated at one child, was 0.95, a decrease of 0.1% per compared to the previous year.

The National Bureau of Statistics (NSO) explained that the population in the early 1930s had declined steadily, especially in September of this year. According to a senior official of the National Statistical Office, "The trend of childbirth due to natural births accentuating, births will also be influenced by the Chuseok holidays.Last year Chuseok's holiday in October was in September of this year, "It will be better in October," he said.

The number of marriages also decreased by more than 20% compared to the previous year due to the consequences of the Chuseok leave, which resulted in 4,300 cases.

The number of weddings was the lowest in September and the largest in history.

The National Statistical Office (ONS) has seen a decrease in the number of weddings as well as the fallout from holidays in Chuseok. "The marriage rate is declining, with the population aged 30 to 34 continuing to decline, and marriage is considered a norm.This year, the number of reported days fell by four days last year due to the Chuseok holiday in September, "said the ONS. I did it.

The number of divorces in September rose to 7,800, a decrease of 17% from the same period last year.

The number of deaths in September was 22,900, up 1.3% from last year.

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