[BK Review] & # 39; Land Lee Winning Shot & # 39; KT beat the series of 4 victories of DB in 1,748 days


[바스켓코리아 = 이성민 기자] KT had a four-game winning streak in 1,748 days.

Marcus Landry (34 points, six rebounds, two flights), David Logan (17 points, three rebounds, four badists) and Roger Federer He scored 14 points and five rebounds, winning 105-102.

Busan KT has had a series of four consecutive victories. Since January 19, 2014, he has won four consecutive victories in 1,748 days. 6 wins and 3 losses. The DB, who lost four times in a row, lost 2 wins and 7 losses and fell to the bottom.

◆ 1Q: Busan KT 29-23 Wonju DB

KT hits quickly with the start of the game. It was a successful defense in blocking the DB attack with a solid goal defense. It was a good score with a quick pbad and a smooth pbad game. Park Ji-hoon, Lee Jung-jae, Land Lee and Yang Hong-seok crossed my suburb and led the first attacks. In just 3 minutes and 6 seconds, he exceeded 10 points (10-4, KT).

The flow of KT continued. Landry and Lee Jung-joo had a dominant position in the fight at the bottom of the table against Tillman, which resulted in stagnation at DB. Landry continued to steal Tillman's entry card, which prompted him.

Logan, who followed Landry through the middle, was also active in the offensive. At the same time, he shot a three-point shot. In addition, Kim Young-hwan and Kim Myeong-jin shot three points and Kim Hyun-min's goals were added. DB had a hard time getting Foster to score each point, but that did not compare to KT's uniform firepower. KT flew at 27-14 with 2 minutes 43 seconds.

KT calmly kept the time remaining. DB was overtaken by Park Ji-hoon and posted with 9 consecutive scorers, but allowed no pursuit. 29-23 in the first quarter.

◆ Q2: Busan KT 48-51 Wonju DB

The second-quarter flow was from DB. An effective game emerged from the attack. After defensive rebounds, they easily scored with a quick action participation or completed the attack during the second braking or early offensive process. Tillman, Foster and Jung added 7 points. He canceled his score (2-29, DB ahead) before it was over 2 minutes.

Based on DB's reversal of score, the game was once again a tense equilibrium. Both teams have reversed several times. Foreign players led the attack of each team.

In a tense equilibrium, DB had a slight advantage. The poster was a great success. Foster continuously scored DB's first attack. In addition to showing Tillman and Jung-Won, he showed an exquisite pbad.

KT, on the other hand, suffered from fatigue. This was not enough to reverse the score, although it was later offset by Lee and Landry's consecutive scores just before the end. With the three points ahead of DB, the second quarter has ended.

◆ 3rd quarter: Busan KT 79-69 Wonju DB

The performance of both teams at the beginning of the third quarter was clearly divided. KT scored easily with an organic pbad game and an aggressive attack bounce, while DB was hesitant due to unreasonable shooting attempts and turnarounds. KT quickly canceled the score early in the third quarter.

DB had counterattacked with Foster's outside scorer and Park Ji-hoon, but KT's concentration was also good. Landry and the ancestors scored against the cold. Aries made two consecutive 3-point shots. Landry added points with a three-point shot, a breakthrough and a post-up. The four Tillman faults were also maintained. KT missed the car by six points, leaving a minute to finish.

KT's focused on the remaining time. Logan's role in the attack was brilliant, with a strong man-to-man defense to minimize the race. It was two consecutive shoots at 3 points. In particular, a three-point shot went past the rim with a three-quarter stop ring sound. Facing a perfect quarter-final, KT reached the fourth quarter ahead of 79-69.

◆ 4th quarter: Busan KT 105-102 Wonju DB

KT opened the fourth quarter with a three-point shot by Yang Hong-Suk. Kim Young-hwan's jumper, Logan's three-point shot, and then the rim. The success rate at the start of DB's firing was also good. Tilman was responsible for scoring four goals in the bottom of the goal, the jumper for Jung Won and his poster, and a three-point shot.

Even after that, both teams fought. When KT scored a packed race, DB immediately caught up. A gap of about 10 points has been maintained for a long time.

DB's strong offensive took place as it entered the second half of the fourth quarter. Foster scored goals early in the offensive early. Yoon Ho-young, the poster, and Yoo Sung-ho joined the team with 12 points, leaving 2 minutes to finish.

Landry was the organizer of the biggest KT crisis. 1 minute and 20 seconds before the end, a surprise shot at 3 points bursts. It was a moment when I ran again with three points.

The poster also did not back down. I hit a counterattack. Landry put a rider, but Foster had a surprise shot of 3 points and scored again.

However, Landry left the shutout of 24 points with a surprise shot of three points. The game was over. KT won the victory.

Photo Courtesy = KBL

Lee Seong-min [email protected]

<저작권자 © 바스켓코리아, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지>

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