Blizzard to unveil GSL against the world


[아이뉴스24 김나리 기자] Blizzard Entertainment unveiled its 16th round of the GSL series against the world on Starcraft II: The Inheritance of Voids

The final list of GSL teams includes GSL Season 2018 "Maru & # 39; who won the championship, & # 39; Rogue & # 39; Lee Byung-ryol, WCS champion in 2017, & & # 39; INnoVation & # 39; Lee Seon-hyung, who has a good team in GSL season 3.

The team will include Scarlett Sasha Hustin, who won the IEM at Pyeongchang last year, and Serral, who is now the No. 1 WCS circuit, and Sotalla.

GSL vs. the World C is the international e-sport competition StarCraft II where 8 players (GSL team) in Korea and 8 players (world team) in North America, South America, Europe, The total price is $ 100,000, which equals the WCS World Finals and IEM World Championships.

In this 16th round, the players who were invited based on the championship standings and WCS Eight players and eight players from around the world who participated in the rounds of about 50,000 fans from July 12 to 18 [19659002] Currently, WCS points, Korea 1,

This 16th round will take place on the 2nd ~ 3rd of next month, and the 8th and 4th rounds will be held on the 4th of the same month. The 16th and 4th parts will take place in an African television studio in Teheranro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul.

The 8th and 8th team meetings, which will take place on the 5th of the same month, will take place at the Blue Square Eye Market Hall in Itaewon, Yongsan-gu, Seoul.

All matches will be available on StarCraft II Twente, Africa TV and Naver.

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