Blue House: Politics: News: Hankyoreh


Request Korean companies to participate in the Czech Republic nuclear power plant plan
"The Baraka nuclear power plant is also perfectly aligned with the air"
Request for cooperation of the Czech Republic in the peace process on the Korean peninsula
"History of democratization Korea and the Czech Republic have a lot in common"

President Mun Jae-in, who traveled to the Czech Republic before taking part in the Top 20 G20 Summit in Argentina,
At a meeting with Czech Prime Minister Andrei Bobby, he said: "If the Czech government decides to continue its activities in the field of nuclear power plants, it would invite Korean companies with excellent experience in technology. , operating and management. " Yoon Young-chan, head of the national communications department, said. President Moon said: "South Korea is currently operating a 24-nuclear plant and no accidents have been reported during the operation of the nuclear power plant in the last 40 years." In the case of the United Arab Emirates nuclear power plant in Baraka, "he said, China, Russia, France, the France-Japan consortium and the United States compete with Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power in The framework for commissioning nuclear power plants in the Czech Republic The Czech Republic would have six nuclear power plants now benefiting from Russian technical support.

President Mun Jae-in and Czech Prime Minister Andrei Bobby are in discussion at the Hilton Hotel in Prague, Czech Republic, Wednesday afternoon (local time). United Nations News

President Mun Jae-in and Czech Prime Minister Andrei Bobby are in discussion at the Hilton Hotel in Prague, Czech Republic, Wednesday afternoon (local time). United Nations News

"We are well aware of cases of nuclear plant construction in other countries that have fallen behind, and we are not yet ready for the nuclear power plant," Bobby said. We are well aware of the success of the Baraka nuclear power plant project. We have secured the technology on nuclear safety. We will discuss it closely in the future. "A senior official of the presidential office said:" Bobby's prime minister did not say when, but I firmly declare that he will pursue the nuclear power plant plan. "" The nuclear power plant project is well understood between the two leaders ".
Moon added that steel products exported by South Korea were being shipped to factories invested by Korean companies in the European Union, such as automobiles and home appliances, thus contributing to the increase in local production and job creation. As much as the safeguarding measures of the European Union. He also wished various cooperation such as the export of finished products, technical badistance and joint production exploiting the advantages of the two countries in the field of the defense industry, such as K (K) -9 self-propelled export.
President Moon urged Prime Minister Bobby to support the Korean government's efforts to bring about permanent peace on the Korean peninsula. Yun said, "President Moon recently explained the progress of the Korean Peninsula, the complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula and the Korean government's efforts to bring about permanent peace on the Korean peninsula, and called on the Czech Republic to continue its interest and support. " "I appreciate the efforts of President Moon and the Korean government to establish peace on the Korean Peninsula," Bobby said. "While the Czech Republic has diplomatic relations with North Korea, efforts are being made to peacefully resolve the North Korean nuclear issue and bring lasting peace, and I will continue to support it."
President Moon pointed out that the history of democratization between Korea and the Czech Republic was similar in his comments. "I celebrate this year the 100th anniversary of the independence of the Czech Republic, this year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the Prague Spring and demonstrates the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the Czech people for freedom. and democracy in the world. "I was then in high school and the whole world applauded the Czech people and I was sad. I still remember what I had left. "" Korea has also developed democracy through the frustration caused by the civil war, "he said." I think next year will be the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the interim government of the Republic. from Korea. Prime Minister Bhavi said: "Mr. Moon is a human rights lawyer, a person who strives to defend these human rights and democracy.
After the summit, President Moon met with Korean businessmen and Korean delegations who came to the site and encouraged them. Twenty professors attended the ceremony, including business leaders, members of the Korean American Association and members of the Czech National Theater. "The Czech Republic has very close relations with our independence movement," he said. "After the end of the First World War, the Czech army sold its arms to our independents on their return to the Czech Republic, which is a counter-attack by Chengshan. General Lee Bu-seok, who participated in the Battle of Cheongsan-ri, "Udungbul." Mr. Moon also visited Prague Castle with the help of a representative of the Czech government.
The Czech Republic, which has not met with President Moon because of a state visit to Israel, said: "It is unfortunate that we can not meet Czechoslovakia." The Czech Republic has a plan to achieve the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, which will help ease tensions. I firmly believe that will be the case. The Czech Republic is ready to contribute actively to this process. "
Mr Moon travels to Argentina, where the G20 summit will be held after a one – night, two – day visit to the Czech Republic. President Moon will stay in Buenos Aires, Argentina, for two nights and three days to exchange views on the Korean Peninsula peace process and the second round of the North American summit scheduled for next year. as part of the sixth Korean-American summit meeting with US President Donald Trump. Seems to be. Journalist Prague / Sung Yeol Cheol [email protected]

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