Blue House: Politics: News: Hankyoreh


"Memo of the Secretary of Ministers" is published
The day before, Minister Song refuted the remark.
The Ministry of Defense refutes "the evidence of the need for reform"

the opposition parties "the lieutenant should resign"

  Members of the defense committee of the National Assembly confirmed the report of the defense command of the DRC military forces on September 25, stating that "the war is not false" when the departmental meeting on September 9th. Colonel Min Byeong-sam, who is responsible for the Department of National Defense, attended the meeting on the day of the meeting, wrote a letter to Song, wrote it on a computer and wrote reported to Major Lee Seok-gu. Photographs are some of the documents.

Members of the defense committee of the National Assembly confirmed the report of the Korean military headquarters on September 25, stating that "the seat is not bad" at the meeting of the Ministry the September 9th. Colonel Min Byeong-sam, who is responsible for the Department of National Defense, attended the meeting on the day of the meeting, wrote a letter to Song, wrote it on a computer and wrote reported to Major Lee Seok-gu. Photographs are some of the documents.

Defense Minister Song Hyung-moo of the Military Commission of National Defense said: "This is not fake." Song, who is surrounded by controversy over the failure of martial law documents on Cheong Wa Dae, is confused by the controversy over "lies".
Minister Song said: "When members of the National Assembly Defense Committee petitioned the ministerial meeting on September 9, Song said," Ward is not wrong. When we talk to the legal profession, the worst is not a problem. The opinion of the minister is the same. "It was reported that Colonel Min Byung-sam of the 100th commander of the cabinet sent a letter to the commander after taking note of Song's remarks." The former colonel said that he appeared on the Council of National Security and said that Song had made the same statement as the document, but Song refuted that it was "a perfect lie." The Ministry of Defense immediately contested that this was not true. The Minister of National Defense said, "It is clear that the minister's statement on the minister's statement is false." The minister himself wrote a report on departmental trends and said that it was not a spying report … it's just a proof. "
The opposition party demanded to resign to Song. Kim Sung-tae, a leader of the Free Korean Party, said, "Song has publicly revealed lies to the National Assembly and the people, and we must take responsibility for this." A spokesman for the Liberal Democratic Party (GNP), in power, said: "Song, who lost confidence in the military because of constant controversy, has asked for his resignation.
Cheong Wa Dae, who pointed out "no alternative," does not plan to replace the song minister at this time. An official official of Cheong Wa Dae said, "It may be a unilateral badertion (written by Minister Song) in the motto, and Colonel Min does not summarize that." Song's ministry is not important and municipal documents are important. See? For the moment, there is no intention to replace Song. "Another official from Cheong Wa Dae said:" It is more urgent and important to promote the impending defense reform plan than to replace Song Song. "But inside Cheong Wa Dae, we know that Song has observed the fact that he has reported the martial law documents twice in a row.There is no doubt that if Song is replaced, it will be difficult to find a suitable person to pbad the law. 39; hearing.
The ruling party has a cover for Song, which is in full controversy, but it is complicated. Moreover, the president of the Democratic Party argued that the high commissioner said: "It seems to be a game of truth between Song Hyung-moo and the minister, and he is even lying to strangle the will of the president. Defense Minister. The ruling party legislator who belonged to the Defense Department of the National Assembly said: "There is no confirmation that Song spoke because there is no to see the document. " However, a Democratic Party leadership official said, "Song has become harder to resist." On the other hand, the ruling party and the opposition agreed to open a hearing after consulting the National Defense Commission after the announcement of the results of the investigation conducted by the special provincial division of the Department of National Defense and the prosecution regarding the drafting of martial law documents. Sung Yeon Cheol Kim Gyun Nam, journalist of Jung Yu Kyung [email protected]

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