"Brigitte Nepf Decision", "Over Watch" supports Hero Balance Patch Notice


<오버워치> The balance of skills of the supporting heroes will be adjusted.

<오버워치> The main hero designer Jeff Goodman announced today the "Support Hero Balance Patch". on the official page of the community <오버워치> today. This fix will override Public Test Server 1.27 (PTR).

This fix is ​​for all support heroes except "Zen Yata" among 6 supporting heroes. Among them, Ana, Lucio and Moira are improved, and Brigitte and Mercii are downgraded.

Jeff Goodman <오버워치> Release notes posted on the official community page

First, Ana changed her ultimate "nano enhancer". Existing nano reinforcements were a technique that temporarily allowed to improve the damage and to improve the damage. Once this patch is applied, the Nano Reinforcements will recover 300 additional health points as well as their existing abilities.

A change has also been announced in the wall of Lucio's sound Ultimate. Existing acoustic barriers have an additional defense of 500 to close friends, but are upgraded to 750 after this patch. Moira's core competence, "Biohazard", is modified and the amount of the recovery reserve increases by 20%.

Anna's Ultimate Nano Reinforcements now has an additional 300 health points after the patch, including existing abilities.

On the other hand, thanks and Brigitte were demoted. Thank you lowered the recovery rate from 60 to 50 per second, healing skill "Ka Dusseus Staff". Brighade has increased the cooldown cooldown 'Slam Shield & # 39; from 6 seconds to 7 seconds.

On the negative side of Brigitte, Jeff Goodman said, "The shield is Brighade's most powerful ability, and it was difficult to fight around the Brigade because of a short recovery period. wanted to allow only a few counter-attacks while being effective in close combat. "

<오버워치> The fix is applied to 1.27 Public Test Server (PTR), and the date of application of this server is not decided yet. Patch notes are:

Nano Reinforcements

Friendly players who received Nano Reinforcements have strength

Radius increased from 10m to 12m

Acoustic Barrier

Damage Absorption increased from 500 to 750 ]

Increases the amount of restored treasure by 20%


Kadouche Staff

Reduces the number of healing per second from 50 to 50


Shield Scratch

] The cooldown went from 6 seconds to 7 seconds

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