Brilliant Shiny Orange Light Mars and Blood Moon … Midsummer Night "Space Show & # 39; just


Those who are interested in the universe should pay attention to the summer sky this summer.

While you can see the bright sunshine of Mars throughout the summer,

According to the Korea Astronomy and Space Agency (NASA) and the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NISA), at 17:00 on March 31, "The phenomenon occurs. On the 27th, March went into the "Chung" position.
on the 27th of this month, and it is the first time since 2003 that it will be placed in the reverend position at perihelion where Mars is closest to the sun,

[19659002] The Institute of Astronomical and Space Science stated that the orbit of Mars is the closest point to the sun at 17 o'clock on the 31st, and March will be in the position of insurrection at 4:13 27.

Space scientist expects Mars to be ten times brighter than usual, around the 31st day when the distance between Earth and Mars is the highest close. The brightness of Mars is expected to peak between August 21 and August 3.

Especially when the day is clear, it is possible to observe the shape of Mars pbading through other stars.

On March 31, the distance between the planet and Mars was 57.59 million km, and the distance between the two planets was reduced to 60 million km. This is the first time. Since then, the distance between Earth and Mars has begun to move again: 62.27 million kilometers in October 2020, 960.8 million kilometers in January 2025, and 101.4 million kilometers in February 2027. After that, he The Earth and Mars are expected to close, and the distance will be reduced to 60 million km on September 11, 2035.

Finally, in 2003, when Earth and Mars were close to 60 million km, the distance was 55.76 million kilometers. At that time, it was known that the Earth and Mars were the closest in 60,000 years.

This phenomenon is related to the orbital period and the orbital period of the two planets. Mars meets the Earth at a cycle of about 780 days (two years and two months), and the orbit of the Earth is close to a circle. On the other hand, the orbit of Mars is close to the ellipse, so the distance between two planets becomes closer and closer.

Among the eight planets of the solar system, Mars is the most similar in the planet and the environment, and the existence of life is being explored. The exploration robot operator, who has been exploring for 15 years NASA's return to Mars in 2004, is now out of touch with the huge sandstorm that hit Mars in May.

Another NASA exploration robot in 2012, Curious City, is the largest nuclear power plant in the world, with plutonium

The lunar eclipse on the 28th of the month [19459006Thelongest1hour43minutesofthecentury
Only the domestic moon can be observed until the moon

  Shining shine Moon of blood with Orange Light Mars ... One summer night « Universe Show »arrives

On the 28th, there will be a lunar lunar eclipse where the full moon is completely covered by the shadow of the earth. The lunar eclipse starts at 3:24 and the lunar eclipse starts at 4:30 in the morning.

In particular, the lunar eclipse lasts one hour and 43 minutes and is the longest of this century.

When the Sun, the Earth and the Moon are on a straight line at the lunar eclipse, sunlight will cross the Earth's atmosphere and the red light reaches the surface of the moon. At that time, the moon will not be completely obscured, but you will see a reddish appearance, "Red Moon". When the lunar eclipse occurs, the red color of the moon seems to be slightly different, which can confirm the state of the Earth's atmosphere.

Ancient scientists have recognized that the earth is round through lunar eclipses. It is said that Aristotle in the ancient Greek era observed that the shadow thrown on the moon by observing the lunar eclipse is the shadow of the earth and that the earth is round through the shadow. It means that the land is located. That is, in the order of Sun-Earth-Outer. It is a planet that orbits the Sun into orbit farther than the Earth, such as Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. When you go to the position of the insect, the distance between the earth and the planet becomes the closest, and it becomes easy to observe the planet from the earth. On the other hand, "hap" is the moment when the sun is located between the earth and the outer circle. Earth-Sun-Exterior. Once the consensual position is established, it becomes difficult to observe the planet on Earth. In addition, when the inner circle is between the sun and the earth, it is called "inner circle". When the inner circle is between the sun and the earth, it is called the "outer circle".

■ Lunar eclipse

This is the phenomenon that the earth is hidden between the moon and the sun and the moon is covered by the shadow of the earth. It occurs when it's a full moon and can be seen anywhere in the night when the earth is at night. Partial lunar eclipses occur when part of the moon enters the earth's shadow, and lunar eclipses occur when the entire moon enters. At this moment, the sunlight that pbades through the Earth's atmosphere is refracted and reaches the Moon, and the Moon looks darker because of this light.

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