Busan seized a lot of soy sauce in the famous bucket of soy sauce with a low price of soy sauce



In Busan, a food distributor who bought tens of millions of won under the nickname "Tongalui" who transferred cheap soy sauce to a famous soy brand was taken in the police.

According to Dongbu Police on January 30, A (40), a food distributor, will be sent to the prosecution for prosecution, according to the alleged violation of the Trademark Law.

It is suspected that the company sold 3173 pieces of D brand soy sauce equivalent to 9500 won in the 15-liter container of brand C soy sauce worth 20 000 won. , According to the police investigation, Mr. A changed the soy sauce of a food distributor, Mr. B, by making a food distributor and transferring it to the &,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. soy sauce workshop.

Mr. B, similarly, Provided a total of 3.5 million won to dealers' restaurants

Police entered the investigation with a restaurant report that the taste of the sauce of soy was strange, grabbed A's company, witnessed the scene, and arrested A as an actor. n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod? s, b, e, v,
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