Busan Suhmers suspects patients, uninvited guests … 41% in the Middle East … 20%


In Busan, people who suspected the "MERS" that caused widespread fear in 2015 provoke tensions both with the health authorities and citizens of Busan.

According to Busan City on the 30th, a 20-year-old woman, A, is suspected of isolating sound pressure in a Busan Moh hospital with a quarantine bed designated by the state,

million. A, who lives in Busan, left Saudi Arabia in mid-February and worked for a local hospital.

million. Has a sore throat since the 28th, and accompanied by chills on the evening of the 29th, he takes a medicine antirheumatic, visits a hospital B with a bed of quarantine designated at the national level,

A has been known to have a sore throat since the 28th day, two days after entering the country, and the hospital on the evening of the 29th.

In Busan, "suspicious patients are health professionals, refrain from external access after onset of symptoms, and only three family members are closely contacted." We judge whether or not they are confirmed by two tests, We look. "

MERS is an infectious respiratory disease with 186 confirmed patients and 38 deaths (20.4% mortality rate) in 2015, and it is possible to infect the human body from camels and close contact between the human body .

The incubation period of Mers is 5 days (2 ~ 14 days) on average, and the main symptom is fever, cough, dyspnea. In addition, headaches, chills, sore throat, muscle pain and may occur, such as symptoms can not be judged. It is known that people with underlying diseases such as diabetes, kidney failure and chronic lung diseases have a high infection rate and a poor prognosis.

On the other hand, the MERS, which implemented a large-scale isolation measure exceeding 16,000 in 2015, was a concern of Korean society.

As of December 10, 2015, the number of confirmed infections in humans in Korea was 186, of which 146 had been excreted, 2 in treatment, and 38 deaths, for a total of 16,752 quarantine case.

The Gyeonggi Research Institute, based on the situation of the seas, took the correct steps for isolation, saying, "Is isolator seas a public enemy?" The research report has been published.

From March 2012 to December 3, 2015, 1,640 people worldwide were infected with the Mers virus, of which 636 died, with a 39% mortality rate.

A total of 1,427 patients, or 87% of the world's infected patients, appeared in the Middle East, of whom 587 died and the mortality rate was 41%, taking into account only the Middle East. East.

A total of 186 patients and 38 deaths in Korea accounted for about 20% of deaths, making it the second most affected country in the Middle East.

Although the government's initial response to the merger crisis was inadequate, it had a positive effect on preventing the spread of mergers by responding to strong isolation measures in the future . However, it is unfortunate that the legal basis of quarantine for contact persons is ambiguous in this process, and that the human rights of quarantine subjects and their social discrimination and refusals were insufficient.

Lee Eun-hwan, a researcher, said, "It is important to build consensus and social consensus on the necessity and scope of quarantine through an adequate explanation and publicity of people to measures quarantine. " Such as the scope and scope of the plan, should be integrated and consistent.

It has also been suggested that active surveillance, which periodically checks the status of the subject rather than unconditional isolation, is effective. This is because quarantine measures for contactors that do not present the risk of spreading pathogens at this time are legally and clinically insufficient.

In addition, if a rational and sufficient compensation for economic losses of quarantined parties is made, quarantine may be motivated to become the subject of quarantine.

It was also mentioned that the support of mental health services for the psychological and psychological treatment of infected persons and contact persons due to quarantine and quarantine measures in the minimum possible range was also important.

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