Cancer-resistant stem cells can be studied for cancer stem cells: Dong-A Science


November 28, 2018 18:21
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KAIST scientists have successfully cultivated cancer stem cells in the form of a cellular mbad

KAIST scientists have successfully cultivated cancer stem cells in the form of a "spheroid" cell mbad. Supplied by KAIST

The most troublesome part of cancer treatment is that cancer cells become resistant to anticancer drugs over time. Scientists expect to find the cause of cancer cell resistance to cancer cells if they can acquire stem cells from cancer cells and study their characteristics.

KAIST Bioscience Department Chon Sang-Yong, Professor Lee Dae-Yop Professor of the Department of Biochemical Engineering, Professor Lim Seong-Kap, Researchers, has developed a cell culture platform facilitating the production of cancer stem cells.

The researchers cultivated cancer cells on a specially made thin film, injected with small amounts of anticancer drugs, and observed how they grew at the same time. The cancerous cells became "spheroids" entangled in a three-dimensional form as they merged on the surface of the thin polymer film. At the same time, it has been transformed into a cancer stem cell, which is resistant to anticancer drugs.

The research team was able to rapidly form cancer stem cells in just one day (24 hours) and easily put them into mbad culture. We have found a way to artificially produce cancer stem cells that are resistant to certain anti-cancer drugs.

Professor Chon Sang-yong said, "We have developed a source technology that can easily mbad-culture cancer stem cells that are similar to the in vivo environment with high efficiency." We hope to change the paradigm of fundamental and fundamental research. of drug development of cancer stem cells. "

The study was published online in the Oct. 24 issue of Cancer Research, an international journal published by the American Cancer Society (AACR).

November 28, 2018 18:21
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