"Carcinogenic substances of bad blood pressure" can be eaten … Patient confusion – Kyungpook Ilbo


In the pharmaceutical industry, a total of 2690 out of a total of 128 items to stop.
"Medicinal valsartan" should be consulted with a doctor while taking a cure "

The Food and Drug Administration of Korea (KFDA) confirmed the list of drugs using valsartan, a Chinese drug for the treatment of Hypertension, detected on 9, because the substances that could potentially cause it have been identified.

There is a total of 2,690 hypertension drugs currently licensed and sold in the country.

these sales targets, the Chinese manufacturer of pharmaceutical raw materials "Zhao Hua" [16]

Currently, about 5% of drugs against circulating hypertension, including 96 treatments and 32 products at the same time. study,

This incident is due to the fact that there is a lot of reimbursement and confusion in patients with hypertension, inevitably due to the discontinuation of the corresponding products. [19659003] In this case, among the 20 manufacturers of valsartan,

Valsartan is a component that lowers blood pressure by inhibiting the hormones that cause the constriction of blood vessels and that is not itself harmful.

Valsartan was detected to detect carcinogen N N-nitroso dimethylamine (NDMA)

The problem is that part of the balsastin produced in the Chinese plant has detected a substance grade 2 carcinogen called NDMA.

Level 2A carcinogens are low carcinogens with no carcinogenic potential

Including red flesh and smoke from firewood, including chlorine disinfection of tap water , processed meat such as ham and sausage, salt

NDMA can also be consumed with alcohol, such as beer, or by smoking.

If only a small amount is present, it does not affect the human body.

The Cheong Wa Dae petition on the national petition calls that "high blood pressure medications are often taken by older people, and petitions were followed by petitioners to follow up with hospitals."

On the other hand, patients taking problematic hypertensive medications were in a state of confusion.

Patient Associations "Hypertensive patients do not know exactly which ingredients they take, so your doctor's advice is essential

He said:" Patients who are anxious and who take their own medicines should take the drugs, "he said.

While medical experts say that they are taking drugs for high blood pressure that are prone to food poisoning, they are only not able to identify the drug

The level of carcinogens in hypertensive drugs that have not been discontinued has not been determined, and patients who are taking blood pressure medications to prevent heart attacks or stroke recurrences, If you stop doing so, you may be at higher risk.

An official said, "Even if you take medications Chinese herbs containing valsartan, you should consult your doctor promptly. "

Korean pharmacists" We will send a letter to each pharmacist badociation so that it will be returned with an adequate understanding and understanding of the precautions to be taken when of the request for return of a patient. "

<ⓒ 경북일보 & kyongbuk.co.kr, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지>

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