Celebration of the Battle of Chungju Dongrak in the first legend of the Korean War


[Chungju = Journal] Kang Shin-wook reporter = An event was held in Chungju, Chungbuk, to commemorate the "Battle of Dongrak". that the Korean army delivered at the time of the war on June 25, 1950.

According to the city of Chungju on the 8th,

The event was attended by the governor of Chungbuk Province of Chungbuk Province, Chungju Mayor, Joongil-myeon, and the 37th Infantry Division of Dongseok Army during the 6th and 25th wars.

The event included performances of the National Traditional Music Research Association of Chungju, a Taekwondo demonstration of TaeKwonDo demonstration team of the 2nd Army command, a demonstration of the situation at that time,

At that time, veterans' family members, such as deputy vice-president of the credit crane and professor Kim Jae-ok's son, received the necklace. flowers. 59002] Mayor Chung Joo Cho said, "The Battle of Dongrak was a historic victory for the Korean War that led to the Korean War of today" and "I wish to remember and preserve the noble sacrifice and great spirit of the Korean War Veterans "
At the Battle of Dongrak, the North Korean Army gathered at Dongrak Elementary School on July 7, 1950, after Kim Jae-ok's base, the commander of Kim Jong Soo,

At that time, the captured weapons were confirmed by the Soviet Union, communist state, which became the basis of the invasion of United Nations and played a decisive role in the participation of the United Nations in the sixteen countries before

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