Cheonji Daily


  Eating (eating the broadcast). (Source: Getty Images Bank)
Eating (Eating Broadcast). (19659004)

The Ministry of Health and Welfare has announced comprehensive measures to manage obesity

The hyperphagia encourages the monitoring of television broadcasting over the Internet and other

The government has announced that it will develop guidelines to regulate so-called "emissions eaten" as part of its campaign.

The Ministry of Health and Welfare (Ministry of Health and Welfare) reviewed the public health promotion policy of last 24 months and says that it is necessary "as much that it can affect binge eating and obesity "The committee finalized the" Global Measures for National Management of Obesity ". As a result, the Ministry of Health and Welfare plans to keep the obesity rate, which is expected to rise to 41.5% in 2022, to reach 34.8% in 2016.

▲ Strengthen the Education for healthy eating habits and promote healthy food consumption and environment conducive to health ▲ aggressive treatment of obesity and strengthening of obesity management ▲ improved public awareness and the establishment of the scientific base [4]

In order to create a healthy food selection environment, It plans to develop guidelines for the guidelines on the consumption of alcohol, beverages (television, Internet, etc.) and advertisements, and to set up a surveillance system.

The Ministry of Health and Welfare announced that it planned to monitor not only food, but also ads that stimulate appetite at the end of the day, based on these lines. guidelines.

Currently, more than 100 petitions have been published on the Cheong Wa Dae National Petition Bill on measures taken by the government against certain regulations on food regulation. In the display board, it does not make sense that the government takes over the personal diet because of the regulation of food, "the regulation of food will ultimately only cause the superficial".

"There is a desire to eat, and some people eat something, but there are some who see food as a substitute for diet satisfaction." "

Another petitioner said:" It is true that restaurants make the desire to eat the snack, but there is no need to stop the contents of the eater that can have a positive effect on the other side I can see that everyone can look positively at various points of view rather than an absurd politics.

Choi Yea-seol (26), who lives in Yangju City, Gyeonggi-do, said, "I want a policy."

On the other hand, many people think that food is excessive and obese. I know that the influence of personal internet TV broadcasting, like YouTube and African television, has a lot of influence on young kids lately, "he said, adding that" if the food is really excessive, the government must regulate it. "Choi Wan-woo, who works at school, said," Food can have a great influence on young children (promoting binge eating). "

On the other hand, the population is growing rapidly. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) predicts that the population of high-level obesity, which represents 5.3% of the total population in 2016, will double to 9.0% in 2030. Social and economic losses due to obesity have been estimated to have doubled in the last 10 years, from 4.8 trillion won in 2006 to 9.2 trillion won in 2015.

Obesity in boys and adolescents is 26% (The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) was higher than the average of 25.6%.

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