Children under 9 years pay 100% of the allowance … Introduction of the grant to childbirth


The National Assembly again began budget review on the third day. At the same time, the parties agreed to increase the number of family allowances and grant birth incentives to children.

The news of the National Assembly was released today (28) by journalist Lee Han-suk.


The Health and Welfare Committee of the National Assembly held a general meeting that day and decided to significantly increase the number of family allowances.

Currently, 100,000 won per month are paid out of the top 10% of the income of children under 6, but starting in January of next year, regardless of income, we decided on everything pay.

The age of payment will be extended from next September and all children under 9 will receive 100,000 won per month.

As a result, the budget for child allowance for the following year was set at KRW 2 400 billion, an increase of KRW 5 billion from KRW 1 900 billion.

The ruling party is also planning to introduce a grant for the payment of maternity, which will give 2.5 million won to the mother from October of next year.

A budget of 103 billion won was recently formed.

The National Assembly's Budget and Budget Committee is still deliberating, so the timing and amount can be adjusted slightly.

However, over the past two days, three parties of the negotiating parties will likely be referred to the standing committee working group, as promised in the trade facilitation agreement process, to overcome the low birth rate.

The so-called congress of the parliamentary elections committee, which has been the subject of a rumor for the third day, has resumed today.

However, some observe that it is actually difficult to meet the December 2 deadline.

(Cover Image: Chang, Seok, Lee, Byung-Ju Lee, Image Editing: Park Jin-hoon)

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