China finds fossil record of Suwak … The average geological history again


Early arrival of sauropods and delay in the separation of the first continent

A fossil of Lingwulong shenqi, a giant herbivorous dinosaur dating back 174 million years, is found in northwestern China, and it is necessary to review Sauropod's genealogy and hypothesis supercontinent (Pangea) This seems likely.
According to the BBC and other pundits, the paleontologist of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dr. Xu Xing, discovered 8 to 10 lingual fossil bones, ancestors of long-tailed sauropod dinosaurs in the hills near Lingu, Hui Autonomous Region of Ningxia. In the current issue of Nature Communications.

The Ling Wu Rong Suni means "a miraculous dragon of Ling Wu," and it is said that a farmer first discovered the herd while driving herds.

Ringwurm's largest excavated fossil was 17.5 m

The Ringwurm coastline lived in a hot, humid climate with conifers and ferns, and several fossils. The researchers felt that they lived in groups like herbivorous dinosaurs.

The Lingurung Sunchi belongs to neosauropod, a subgroup of sauropods, and is anatomically distinct from the primitive serpent that lived tens of millions of years ago.

The prophets include the giant dinosaurs Jurbadic Diplodocus and Brontosaurus, Aristinosaurus, the largest Cretaceous dinosaurs in the Cretaceous, Dreadnought and Patagonian Titan.

This excavation means that the appearance of neosaurofod will take place about 15 million years ago.

Up to now, it has been estimated that neosauropodium appeared about 160 million years ago and has spread rapidly over 5 million years, spreading throughout the whole world. However, this hypothesis was shaken by the excavations of Ling Wulong Sichuan.

According to existing theory, neosauropod dinosaurs appeared after the separation of Pangea in the supercontinent, and fossils can not be found in East Asia. That's it

In this regard, Dr. Shih said in his interview with Reuters: "Our excavations indicate that East Asia is still connected to other continents".

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(Seoul = Yonhap News)

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