Choi Joon-seok debuts in the Australian League 29 … From the Geelong Wahara Crisis –


Entry 2018.11.29 00:06

[OSEN=이상학 기자] Choi Jun-seok (35) will make his Australian Professional Baseball (ABL) debut. It should be noted that he will become the savior of North Korea in crisis.

Geulong Korea will look for a 3-0 defeat at ABL Melbourne Aids from 2018 to 2019 at Melbourne Park Ballpark, Australia, at 5pm. Geelong was the first player to win after four straight wins, but dropped to the bottom of the league with 1 win and 7 losses.

Geelong Korea, made up of Korean players, is a team of players who lost their seats in Korea. It is based on the relegated or undefeated players of the KBO team, but they feel the incredible level of the Australian league. In the first match of Perth Heath and its two-player program on the 24th, it was a record 2-23 record.

Geelong joins a team of four players from Melbourne on the 29th. The NCAA's KBO League, which totals 201 circuits, shines brightly with Choi Joon-seok (Junpo), Woo Dong-gyun (Samsung), Huh Kun- yeop, launcher of SK, and Choi Yoon-hyuk, of Yonsei University. In particular, Choi Joon-seok should be a great power.

Choi Joon-seok is the key figure in the KBO league. In 2001, he made his debut at Lotte and, at the end of the year, he had 1,754 average batting ratios (274 games), 1,270 hits, 201 free kicks and 881 RBIs. He has a total of 201 home runs. I played in North Carolina this year, but I was informed of the release after the season and I even went to the Australian league, which is not unfamiliar for the year. extension of the game

Geelong is still batting average of 24.41 in eight games. The league tends to subscribe overall, and the batting average is the third among the eight teams. But I'm thirsty in a cool room. There are only two circuits in eight games and six in the league. Kwang Kwang-min and Han Sung-koo beat the circuit one by one. I needed a cannon to add weight to the line.

Geelong should also play in the 28th. Please, help a lot of Geelong Korea to show a different shape up here. " Choi said, "Baseball is the same no matter where you are: fun, fun, hard work, good results.

Choi's role is not limited to players. He also has a punch card for players with a coach. Choi Jun-suk, born in 1983, is the youngest in Geelong. What you need to learn is the chance to gain the experience and know-how of 200 home-beaten players for many young hitterers. Choi Joon-seok should be effective in many ways. /[email protected]

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