'Choi Phatta & # 39; At Pink, a strong friendship from the beginning of the eighth grade "吹" [종합]


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[OSEN=김보라 기자] Group E Pink, who was in his eighth year with his years of experience, showed his unshakeable friendship.

EIPHENK was in the power of the live broadcast of SBS Power FM on the 19th afternoon, and from the modifier who was describing them, he was able to express his activities, his game, his interests, and so on.

Choi Chee-jung praised "I laid a pure stone and came back to a bady stone."

A Pink came back to the mini 7 'ONE & SIX & # 39; the 2nd of this month in one year.

In the new album, each of the six members has a different appearance and appeal: the album presents a new album, "Pink", released for the first time since its inception. (ONE + SIX), who is one of the only fans (ONE) and six Apex (SIX) with the aspiration to show you. It's an exciting minor pop dance song with a song of 'All Black Eyed Peace'. and & # 39; Whole House & # 39 ;, a tropical beat with beat house.

The lyrics express the heart of a woman who has left her feelings and emotions at the time of a man's love, "FIVE," & # 39; NoNoNo, #Mr. Chu & # 39; and so on. If I had happiness and warmth, I was more mature and bady than & # 39; I do not have any.

On this day, I was attracted to Son Na's leggings. Leggings, which I usually wear, attracted the attention of fans as well as their fans, and they recorded a full score. So, Sonna said, "I often wear leggings as usual," he said, "When you wear leggings, you're nervous about the shape of the body.When I wear skinny jeans, my legs are swollen, so I started wearing leggings. "

On her birthday, Hae Young celebrated her birthday.

The other members live separately, but Bomi and Lantern still live together. Bomi explained, "Since I live in a hotel, I live so well with my lanterns. "He is diligent to be a lantern." "Most of us are diligent," he complimented. "Today, we grow pots and boast to show ourselves and brag about.

The lantern tells her, "Bonnie is really meticulous, be careful when you start one." It takes a long time to get from one place to the other, "he explained. "and listen to others." / [email protected]

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