Choo Shin-hye


  Choo Shin-soo (left) and Charlie Blackman at the 17th derby. [AP=연합뉴스]

Choo Shin-soo (left) and Charlie Blackman at the 17th derby. [AP=연합뉴스]

Choo Shin-soo (36 years old, Texas Rangers) again wrote the story. He hit the first shot of Korea in his first all-star game.

Choo Shin-soo took part in the stick match against Nelson Cruz at batting in the eighth and fourth innings of the all-star game of the 2018 Major League 2-2 at Washington Nationals Park on April 18th. Choo's opponent was Milwaukee Brewers Josh Heyer, the seventh thrower of the National League. Haydar is a relief pitcher who throws a fastball in the second half of the 150-kilometer range with the left handgun. In a 2-ball 2 shot, Choo pushed Haydar's fastball in the fifth inning and flew to the left field. Choo's unique instinct was his shot. Choo Shin-soo advanced to second base with a striking springer, and also scored in Jin Segura's home run.

  Choo Shin-soo watches the house run Derby on the 17th with his son Mubin and Gunwoo (from the left). [AP=연합뉴스]

Choo Shin-soo watches the house run Derby on the 17th with his son Mubin and Gunwoo (from left to right). [AP=연합뉴스]

Choo Shin-soo entered the stage of the stars as the third Korean player after Park Chan-ho (2001) and Kim Byung-hyun (2002). The beast is the first in history. It was the first time that Choo was in the plate. Players were also invited to the All-Star Game to celebrate the 14th anniversary of their Grand League debut in 2005.

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