Chronic hepatitis B "multidrug-resistant", effective even with one drug: Dong-A Science


February 27, 2019 11:32
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Professor Ahn Sang Hoon. Indemnity provided

Professor Ahn Sang Hoon. Indemnity provided

Chronic multidrug-resistant patients with hepatitis B who have not had standardized treatment guidelines in the world have shown promising results. Multidrug resistance refers to the phenomenon of drug resistance while continuing treatment with two or more drugs.

Ahn Sang-hoon, professor of internal medicine at Yonsei University Hospital in Severance, is the most difficult to treat in patients with hepatitis B. The results of a study showing that pharmacological patients -resistant can only be treated with the antiviral drug Tenofovirman, Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology & # 39; published Jan. 9. The use of a single medication can reduce the psychological and economic burden of the patient.

The researchers treated 423 multidrug-resistant patients with tenofovir monotherapy (174 patients) or a tenofovir-based combination therapy (249 patients). And we observed an average of about 180 weeks.

As a result, viral response rates were 96 weeks (85.1% vs. 84.2%) and 144 weeks (92.1% vs. 92.7%) at 48 weeks of treatment (71.7%). There was no difference in monotherapy and combination therapy between the 192nd week (93.4% vs. 95.7%) and the 240th week (97.7% vs. 97.2%).

The researchers found that tenofovir alone could maintain the inhibitory effect of hepatitis B virus for more than four years.

Professor Ahn Sang-Hoon, head of the study, said, "This is the result of a long-term study on the effects of tenofovir monotherapy over four years," he said. . I hope that all the psychological and economic burden of drug-resistant patients who have had trouble deciding on the treatment method will be lightened. "

February 27, 2019 11:32
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