Classic & # 39 ;, the goal of the first wow faithfully implemented "


12 years ago <월드 오브 워크래프트>(Below) <와우>) Clbadic server with the appearance of <월드 오브 워크래프트: 클래식>(Below) <와우: 클래식>) Will be published in the summer of 2019. <와우: 클래식>Money <와우>Is the first expansion pack of "Burning Crusade" until the exit. The demo version was made available to BlizzCon 2018 visitors and virtual ticket buyers until November 8th. <와우> Users can enjoy it for free.

Unlike current games, the game has a slow tempo and many features are limited. <와우: 클래식>. Why is Blizzard trying to replicate the clbadic wow? On the BlizzCon website in 2018 <와우: 클래식>And the future of <와우: 클래식>I've heard of. / Anaheim (USA) = Disney Play Kim Ji-hyun

From left to right, Ion Hazzikostas, Game Director, Omar Gonzalez, Senior Software Engineer,

DISSE GAME: I'd like to introduce myself briefly.

Ian Rin Kostas: He is responsible for game development and design. <와우: 클래식>As it is an already complete game in the graphic part, this part is in charge of advising and torturing.

Ohmas González: 2005 <와우> I joined the team and I have worked so far. He is a senior software engineer. Game quests and mechanics bosses and other modern technologies.

<와우: 클래식>Do you want to show the past as it is? Or will it be served to complete the past?

Ian Rin Kostas: The goal of the development team was <와우> This is to reproduce the figure as it is. Many features will be lost in this process. Current <와우>I think that some of the practical features used in the game do not help them to experience the same gaming experience at the time.

for example <와우>There is a feature called "Dungeon Search". <와우>Because it's different from the experience of. In order to recreate "past experience" that has trained party members through past discussions, instead, it will retain features that do not affect the game, such as "Mailbox" .

Past <와우>Users who do not have <와우 클래식>What is fun to feel and feel?

Ian Rin Kostas: <와우: 클래식>Will play to revive the experience lived by many users in the past, but the experience of users who play it for the first time is completely different. <와우: 클래식>If the face or the tempo is <와우>Slower, the community is an important game. But now <와우>I think that even the first person and the person who plays it can play happily.

More, <와우: 클래식>Is actually <와우> Because it's linked to an account, <와우>I think it's nice to appreciate when I need to rest while doing it.

What did you think of the code you created in 2018?

Omar Gonzalez: For example, when I consulted the old code, there was a part that I did not know. (Laughter) It was a special experience to restore the code I had written before.

<와우: 클래식>When you open it for the first time, how much content is available and how long is the fix?

Ian Rin Kostas: This part will be around today. <와우: 클래식 패널>. At the time of opening, the contents of the "1.12 Patch" content will be provided and subsequent raids will be added sequentially. As with all games <와우: 클래식> We will also review user comments and update them in the desired direction.

<와우: 클래식>Is this a reopening of the game that is already out. If the game runs long, what kind of service will it serve?

Ian Rin Kostas: It is likely to give an answer similar to the one you answered to the previous question. At this point we will determine what users want and continue. Repeat play was released yesterday <워크래프트 3: 리포지드>I think I can give a different kind of pleasure in the "I live again" part rather than the "History" part.

At the time of 2006 <와우>And <와우: 클래식>Is the amount of experience required equal to the highest level reached?

Ian Rin Kostas: It's the same. As I mentioned earlier, our goal is to faithfully reconstruct everything that happens from that time. This also applies to the experiment or the tempo. If you want to experience a pack game that has been published in the past, <와우>Is impossible. <와우: 클래식>Is a game developed to solve this problem. Therefore, it is important to faithfully re-apply all parts of the past.

<와우>Has been updated and an extension has been added to make the addon unusable. Can I use add-ons only available at this time?

Ian Rin Kostas: This part will be limited to the use as it currently stands. Now that the add-on system has evolved considerably, if you apply it to old games, you can also add the ability to improve the whole game with just one button. <와우>I think this part should be kept even if it is different from the past.

If this is the case, you can not use the add-on you are currently using, <와우: 클래식> Should I use a new dedicated add-on?

Ian Rin Kostas: Only the simplest complements are available. Probably with a high probability <와우: 클래식> I think that a dedicated add-on should be developed.

<와우: 클래식>Are there new updates that only apply?

Ian Rin Kostas: <와우: 클래식>There is no content update or system update plan yet.

<와우>The character or object of <와우: 클래식>Will not it provide the opportunity to import?

Ian Rin Kostas: Yes, this feature will not be included. <와우>And <와우: 클래식>Is a completely different game. <와우: 클래식>AT <와우> When you bring a character, you can create a gap between users by pbading items that were not previously provided, such as items, rides, and so on. Collective <와우: 클래식> I do not want to support the game

In the past, the preparation of the raid was extremely difficult. <와우: 클래식> Is it too difficult to prepare for the raids?

Ian Rin Kostas: The items and the quantity to be supplied will be the same as in the past. For example, tankers should prepare flame resistant items for Ragnaros raids and cold-resistant items for Naxxramas raids. Of course, now that information is shared quickly within the community, it can be a little easier than in the past.

Is the "friend" or "voice chat" feature available?

Oman Gonzalez: A social system that can be used as a system, the Battle Tag Friends system is available. The voice chat has not been confirmed yet. However, <와우>I did not think that setting up a voice chat system would undermine my past experience because I had a voice conversation with an external program even when I was playing. Maybe we can introduce it.

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