Clean Diesel Policy Official Disposal … Additional support for a 4 ton LPG truck


160,000 won for the target of low NOx domestic boilers, adjustment of the fuel tax rate for electricity production next April
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[투데이에너지 조대인 기자] The government will officially get rid of the clean diesel policy aimed at reducing the amount of fine dust generating substances and at reducing fine dust emissions from coal-fired plants. The sales order and the fuel tax rate will be reflected in the environmental costs.

The clean diesel policy, introduced around 2010, having been officially abolished, the recognition standard for low pollution diesel cars has been abolished and the incentives granted to 950 000 diesel cars benefiting from the reduction of parking fees, congestion charges etc.

In particular, we plan to reach zero emissions by 2030, except in the event that the ratio of environmentally friendly car purchases reaches 100% by 2020 and beyond. that there is no replacement vehicle.

To this end, SMEs and other companies have provided a total of KRW 1.65 million in subsidies for the early scrapping of vehicles at the time of purchase of one ton LPG trucks and old trucks. It will induce an early reduction of vintage cars by achieving 10,000 won.

Annual emissions are 2.6 kg per car, 7.9 kg (3 times) for average cargoes and 155.7 kg (60 times) for large cargoes.

Prime Minister Lee Nak-yeon said at the 56th meeting of the Seoul Metropolitan Government at a 56th meeting of Public Financial Control and its adjustment that he had discussed the measures of strengthening the management urgent and long – lasting fine dusts and a preliminary roadmap on regulatory reform in the field of autonomous vehicles.

First of all, we will preventively deal with disasters when fine dust with high concentrations is generated by emergency and regular measures of fine dust control. We have also decided on new daily reduction measures, such as the reduction of diesel wagons and the strengthening of port management.

In the case of high concentration fine dust emitted by cities and provinces (joint announcement by the metropolitan area), emergency reduction measures are being taken and the private sector is required to participate as of 15 February next year, according to the special law on the reduction and management of fine dust. Let's do it

Preventive response If the possibility of taking emergency relief measures the next day is high, the public sector will apply preliminary reduction measures, such as road cleaning and two vehicles.

It plans to reduce the concentration of fine dust in the streets and strengthen surveillance of major sources of emissions and monitoring of illegal activities.

To this end, restrictions are imposed on the operation of fifth-grade diesel cars (for the Seoul Metropolitan Area), coal-fired power plants (80%), coal (35 coal and 7 heavy fuel oil), adjustments to workplaces and construction and drones.

Air purification systems are installed in schools and kindergartens for dust-sensitive clbades, and a system for measuring, badyzing and advising on indoor air quality (100%). places per year) is offered in small centers of early childhood under 430 years.

He said he would formally abolish the clean diesel policy as an additional measure to reduce the amount of micro-dust present daily, along with efforts to reduce the concentration of this high concentration.

Public bodies should play a leading role in reducing the number of carriers and, when implementing the policy, support measures for owners and small businesses are also implemented.

It also plans to minimize fine dust emissions from coal-fired plants.

Coal-fired power plants Effectively reduce the amount of fine dust Adjust shutdown objectives and consider environmental costs in food and fuel tax rates.

Adjusting the closure objectives of coal-fired power plants having a significant impact on improving the quality of local air, coal-fired power plants that will be closed in the spring (March ~ June) will be replaced by Samchonpo 5 · 2 It is planned to improve the effect by adjusting the unit 6 (the amount of emission per unit is about 3 times).

In addition to the economic costs, we plan to determine the shipping order taking into account environmental costs such as the costs of processing chemicals. We also plan to adjust bitumen and LNG rates for energy generation fuels in April of next year.

At present, the price of bituminous coal and LNG per kg is 36: 91.4 (1: 2.5), which corresponds to the policy of reversing it to 46: 23 (2: 1).

In addition, in order to prevent scattered dust, it is planned to gradually reduce the low external voltage of coal-fired power plants in order to reduce the scattered dust around power plants.

We will also implement measures tailored to each region, including ports and urban areas.

In order to reduce the fine dust emitted by ships and ports, the main pollutants of coastal cities, the central government, such as the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries and the Ministry of the Environment and the major ports, have signed this month an agreement with local governments to promote cooperation projects in the field of fine dust reduction. We will improve the quality.

The IMO will introduce an environmentally friendly vessel (LNG propulsion) by 2025 as a mandatory reinforcement of the sulfur content standard for heavy fuel oil ships in 2020, from 3, 5% to 0.5%, and mandatory fuel for yard tractors from LNG. .

In order to reduce fine dust in urban areas, low-dust domestic boilers will be widely distributed, while smaller ones will be strengthened and profitable.

It is said that if the domestic boiler is replaced by the low-NOx boiler, it will bear the cost of 160,000 won per unit by developing the low-NOx domestic boiler supply activity currently implemented in the metropolitan area.

Small, small scale workplaces (4-5 species, less than 10 tonnes of pollutant emissions per year), relatively poorly managed, will strengthen management and support facility improvement costs.

In addition to setting up a comprehensive response system for bureaucrats, we plan to strengthen international cooperation.

In order to strengthen the efficiency and implementation of fine dust reduction, the government plans to build a control tower centered on the office of the state planning office and to increase the citizen participation.

It is a control tower responsible for deliberating and adjusting the policy regarding fine dust. It establishes and manages the Prime Minister's "Special Committee on Fine Dust" as a window of communication with the public and that a "National Center for Information on Fine Dust" is established.

We will use public transport, illegal incineration monitoring and surveillance projects in cooperation with the network of NGOs for fine dust reduction, in which the environment, transport, consumers, women, experts and public organizations.

To deal with fine dust from outside the country, the Ministry of Environment and Cooperation Center (including the Fine Dust Laboratory) will establish the infrastructure by 2020 and implement research and cooperation projects in each area. We plan to search and promote.

In cooperation with Chinese local governments (provincial governments), we will also strengthen cooperation by demonstrating cooperation to reduce air pollutant emissions by applying Korea's excellent environmental technologies to China's air pollution prevention facilities.

Multilateral cooperation between Korea, China, Japan, North Korea, Mongolia and Russia is reinforced by the North East Asia Air Quality Partnership (NEACAP) , launched in October. It's a policy to go out.

To further reduce the amount of fine dust, plans will be developed to reduce the roadmap for diesel vehicles and improve the upper limit of coal-fired power plants.

Detailed plans to reduce the proportion of light vehicles such as the disposal of old vehicles, the removal of new diesel vehicles and the removal of restrictions on the use of LPG cars will be established in the roadmap for the reduction of diesel cars.

We will also try our first preemptive regulatory roadmap as a new regulatory innovation approach for the new sector.

The three basic elements for establishing a preventive regulatory roadmap are: Forecast Future Forecasts Convergence Research Plan Nested Plan.

We will apply the roadmap of preemptive regeneration to other new industries such as hydrogen, electric car, energy sector and drone, will monitor the progress of the 30 regulatory issues in the autonomous vehicles sector and plan to recast the roadmap according to the development situation in 2020. Explained.

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