Concerns about the economic slowdown … November calls for higher rates | Economy


The burden of rising real estate prices in the growing gap between the United States and the United States
This week's MPC meeting and MPC meeting

The Bank of Korea (BOK) reported a rate hike in November, but the outlook should be frozen due to concerns over the economic slowdown.

The "practical theory" also appears.

According to the April 4 financial market, the three-year interest rate of the Treasury bonds had risen to 2.09% (8 days) before the October CMP, then dropped to 1.89% the 29th.

The stock market has fallen and financial markets are booming.

The economic situation in the recently published economic indicators was not good.

The rate rebounded on the sudden sign of a softening trade dispute, but it remains below 2% over 2 days.

The BOK has not changed much since the MPC last month.

During the March 22 National Assembly audit, the governor stressed: "We will proactively consider whether the increase will take place in November".

After a week, the central bank said: "The pressure on the decline in the economy seems to be high." After the decline in bond interest rates, the afternoon said: "We raised the interest rate once.

On the second day, the bankers and the financial adviser said: "The recent movements of the financial markets are clearly different from those of the past".

The BOK has already made a lot of progress in raising interest rates.

Starting in July, a small number of interest rate increases were published three times and last month, the number of increases was increased to two.

If the decision were made by the governor, it would be possible to increase it to four against three.

If government officials such as Prime Minister Lee Nak-yeon did not make any comments on interest rates, another result could have been obtained.

The MPC also deleted the phrase "carefully" from the verdict.

It was stated that the rate hike was not long.

However, it is difficult to guarantee that the Han will continue their journey.

It's a game to catch the ankle.

Exports are dynamic, but investments are down.

Consumption growth only concerns the level of economic growth and the employment situation is not expected to improve rapidly.

The inflation rate was 2% in October.

Domestic and foreign institutions, including the International Monetary Fund (IMF), are lowering Korea's economic growth next year.

While the financial market is shaking in such a pessimistic atmosphere, past crisis cases will be recalled.

The situation outside the country is also unexplored.

Rising interest rates and trade disputes in the United States are the most important variables.

The austerity plan of the European Central Bank (ECB) should be revised to reflect a deterioration in economic indicators.

Japan is also in a hurry.

On the other hand, there is a problem of financial stability.

As soon as possible, the rate of reversal of the key interest rate will increase to 1 percentage point next month.

The funds will not leave right away, but the anxiety is growing.

Drying is likely to increase the risk of forest fires.

There are many opinions that the rate hike is not too late even though we expect next year's situation.

The economy is worse and US and US interest rates are expected to rise further.

The real estate market should remain vigilant.

It is tied to household debt, which is about 1.5 trillion won, which is the "guide" of the Korean economy.

In the end, any BOK decision is difficult to receive.

This seems different from last year, when there was little noise after the rate hike.

This has also been confirmed in the National Diet.

There was concern that rising interest rates would aggravate the recession and raise interest rates to attract real estate.

It was almost four weeks before the MPC meeting.

The possibility of volatility in the financial market after the mid-term elections in the United States is particularly noticeable.

Interest rate messages will be released this week.

On October 6th, the minutes of the CPP will be published in October and on March 7th, the CPP will hold a press conference for the first time.

On the 8th, the government will submit a monetary policy report to the National Assembly.

For the moment, it is unlikely that the BOK will lower the rate hike.

/ Yonhap News

# Match
# Increase in the interest rate

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