Concerns about the electric bomb … 23rd summit of energy demand Chungcheong – Chungcheong province Today


[한반도 덮친 역대최악 ‘폭염’] The demand for electricity in Chungcheong Province is the highest, the average electrical energy in the four districts is 350㎾h,
Even if we use 100khh, the electrical charge increases ,
47,800 won → 77,570 won
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With the realization of the" electric bomb "next month , the burden of the inhabitants of the region increases.

According to the Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) on July 24, according to the headquarters of Chungnam in Seojong, July 23 at 19:00, the peak power demand [8] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9]

This is a background that indicates that the use of the air conditioner is inevitably increased due to the continuous warning of the weather and warning for the day

The burden of imposing the electricity bill next month was realized in two years.

2 01 The average energy consumption of a household of four members according to the six-year industry standard is 350 kilowatt hours per month (kWh), which represents about 40,500 won, according to current tariffs.

Things are different. This is because the progressive agent for housing is applied. It is not difficult to use more than 400 kWh in the recent situation where electricity consumption is increased. Especially in a family home with children, it's not easy to get them out of the heat because they're on vacation, so it's common to have air conditioners running at home for 8 to 10 hours a day on average.

Using 450 kWh of electricity, the price of electricity will be calculated at 77,707 won, which will increase the electricity fee by 1.7 times

The main reason for not be able to operate the air conditioner in households is the increase in electronic devices and standard of living

Fluctuations in regular expenses Due to the charge of the price of electricity for ordinary people, the complaints about the progressive housing system are not satisfied.

Compared to Electrical Load for Residential Use,

On this point, a senior official at the Chungnam National University, Sejong City, said: "As the progressive housing system has been reorganized, it does not will be more imposed on the family as was the case in 2016 ".

On the other hand, using more than 400 kWh of electricity, the base rate is 7,300 won, and 280,6 won per kWh. In 2016, it was reorganized from 6 stages to 11.7 times and 3 times to 3 times. Yoon Hee-seop Reporter [email protected]

<저작권자 ⓒ 충청투데이 ( 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>

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