Conditioned air conditioner and fresh without cold weather … Now


"I wanted to avoid the irony of a consumer who hates the cold wind: consumers want to cool down, but there are two opposing desires to prevent cooling of the airflow."

Seo Hyung-joon's master of electronics electronics division Samsung Electronics explained the silent air conditioner development context at the Samsung Electronics Expo Forum held at Samsung Electronics Press Room,

Seamaster said: "I badyzed the models of the air conditioners and found that they did not like the cold winds and that they had uniform cooling." We were looking for a solution to solve this problem: we had found that the wine storage warehouse was cool even when the wind was not blowing "and" The radiation cooling, which can guarantee the uniformity of temperature in the internal space,

Technology e key of the wind-free air conditioner is the "Hybrid Flow Technology" which allows for powerful cooling in early-stage whirlpool and cold air that is not cold when the set temperature reaches ▲ ▲ "Panel structure technology metal cooling ▲ ▲ High performance performance technology as the inverter system with very low power consumption for the high efficiency compressor ▲ ▲ A 'technology of artificial intelligence, comfort , that the implementation of a custom cooling with intelligent air conditioning.

  seohyeongjun describes the Samsung consumer electronics (CE) no background business development air-conditioning wind in the master 3 Jung-Gu, Seoul, Samsung Electronics Taepyeongro press office. (Photo: Samsung Electronics)

Seo Hyung-joon, a master of Samsung Electronics' consumer electronics division, explains the background of developing a silent air conditioner in Samsung's press room Electronics in Taepyeongro, Seoul, (Photo: Samsung Electronics)

In order to achieve this kind of silent technology, Samsung Electronics has teamed up with various features of air conditioners.

"The technology of metal cooling panels was applied to fabric fabrics. The material was made of metal, not cloth, because it was difficult to clean in case of external pollution." 39, the wind gate drive is a lens barrel structure that naturally opens up without noise to enhance durability.

In addition, we are continuously lowering the cost of electricity from the Airless air conditioner through high-performance design technology.Every year, airless air conditioners improve energy efficiency by 10 to 15% over the previous year, while the efficiency of 2008 has been improved about 2.9 times compared to 2008 and that the cost of electricity has been reduced up to 65%

.] Artificial intelligence technology (AI) also plays a key role in the climate Last year, Samsung Electronics introduced an airless air conditioner with AI. One of the AI ​​buttons badyzes the usage habits of the product such as temperature and indoor / outdoor humidity, the air conditioner's running time, the preferred wind intensity and so on. and performs cooling functions, without wind, dehumidification and cleaning.

"The emergency air conditioner is an intelligent air conditioning and is adjusted to comfortable temperature throughout the day, and various functions can be easily used with Samsung's voice recognition secretary ratio. I will let you know. "

 The new model of Samsung in 2018 has evolved with technologies such as SmartSing, Bixby, Knox, etc. [Photo: Samsung Electronics]

The new Samsung 2018 product has evolved with technologies such as SmartScope, Bixbee and Knox. (Photo: Samsung Electronics)

The voice recognition rate of silent air conditioner is enhanced by dialect learning.A responsible for Samsung Electronics said: "None air conditioned air conditioner does not learn the dialect nor the standard language, so it recognizes the two dialects that are Jeolla-do, Gyeongsang-do, Chungcheong-do and Gangwon-do.

Recognition of speech without noise, for example, during the rainy season, when it is cold in cooling mode, for example, "dehumidify in a zero wind"

SmartSoft application for control of Internet technology ( IoT) things is free of charge. air conditioning in and out of the home SmartScreen applications range from smart home applications that integrate Samsung home appliances.

A Samsung Electronics official said: "The SmartScreen app is not unique to Samsung but is based on the Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF). (19659002)

The air conditioner will recognized by Samsung Electronics' AI loudspeaker (expected to be released in the second half of this year). " [ad_2]
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