Continuous heat, progressive regime in the National Assembly


As the greater heat of the 111 years of observation continued, the view of the abolition of the progressive system became more severe.

  The heat wave continues, the progressive regime in the National Assembly

A free member of the Korean National Assembly Cho Kyung-tae said at an earlier press conference this morning that the election

The amendment was amended by section 16 of the Power Companies Act, which was amended as follows.

KEPCO only charges incremental electricity for residential electricity, which accounts for only 13.6% of the total electricity sales volume.

Joe replied, "In the past, when electricity supply and demand were absolutely unstable, people could no longer suffer because of the unreasonable measures of progress that were imposed only on the company. 39, residential energy.

Last week, independent parliamentary MP Yun Jae Ok and Kang Hyo Sang, representatives of the Korean National Assembly, declared that the Law on the Revision of the Basic Law on Disaster Management and Disarmament Security

Every party was in a hurry to find countermeasures. In addition to the ruling party, the Democratic Party said in a provisional parliamentary session in August that it would rush to revise the disaster safety law to include a heat wave. Kim Tae-young, chairman of the Democratic Party of Korea's Political Committee, has ordered the government to review the tariff reform and the reduction of electricity taxes, saying: "We urgently need to take action to ease the burden of electricity bills. "

He was cautious about reforming the progressive system. Secretary of the Democratic Party Hong Kwan-Rak, a member of the Committee of Small and Medium Enterprises of the National Assembly, said: "The badysis is necessary to badyze the type of possible influence" and " it is not a question of public opinion ".

The good future part provided for the initiative of the bill to temporarily exempt the progressive system. "I am preparing a bill to exempt the advance of domestic electrical energy to the level of the disaster's special disaster," said Hye Tae Kyung Bum, a future lawmaker. [Loi sur la réduction des frais d'électricité de 30%] which reduces by 30% the electricity rate of the month during the month of the heat wave

The Party of Democratic Peace is also considering measures. A peace party official said, "Since there are many opinions that we should ease the burden of the people caused by the progressive system, we are looking for an alternative."

The day of criticism of the government was also established.

The South Korean government criticized the government for declaring a special disaster zone in the heat of the storm, and criticized the government for its "And to reduce electricity bills for a limited period to governments locals with difficult financial conditions

Ahn Young-guk, political reporter [email protected]

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