Convenience Store Industry "When the minimum wage is increased,


The convenience store industry, pressed by the cost of labor due to the increase in the minimum wage, has taken a collective action.

The Convenience Stores Association in Korea announced on September 12 that it would announce the position regarding the promotion of the minimum wage next year,

  The Merchants Association from convenience stores in the nation announced the position on the promotion of minimum wage next year, demanded to freeze the minimum wage and re-discuss differentiation by industry.
<전국편의점가맹점협회는 12일 내년도 최저임금 인상 추진과 관련한 입장문을 발표하고 최저임금 동결과 업종별 차등화 재논의 등을 요구했다. 협회는 내년도 최저임금 인상과 5인 미만 사업장 확대적용이 추진될 시 전국 편의점 7만개 동시 휴업도 불사한다는 방침이다.>

A common representative of the Convenience Stores Association in the national convenience stores in Korea said: "With this year's increase in the minimum wage, the convenience store owner" If the current minimum wage is too high to overcome the current situation and if it is raised again, it will not be possible for the workers to pay the minimum wage, so that the owners are forced to become criminals. "

The badociation insisted that the actual payment, including the weekly wage allowance, was 9040 won, which was already close to the needs of the government and the labor force. work of 10,000 won.

The Association is also concerned about the current trend of government policies, including the introduction of small businesses such as convenience stores, and that it reaches out to criminals and the poor

  The Association of Convenience Traders in Korea said on December 12 that it is not easy to get a minimum wage for Next year, And demanded that the minimum wage be frozen and differentiated by the industry.
<전국편의점가맹점협회는 12일 내년도 최저임금 인상 추진과 관련한 입장문을 발표하고 최저임금 동결과 업종별 차등화 재논의 등을 요구했다. 협회는 내년도 최저임금 인상과 5인 미만 사업장 확대적용이 추진될 시 전국 편의점 7만개 동시 휴업도 불사한다는 방침이다.>

The joint representative of the castle said: "The negotiation of the minimum wage, except for the owner of the convenience store, who most in need of manpower, is negotiating salary m inimum.

The convenience store industry withdrew the rise in the minimum wage, has frozen, applied it to different types of industries and created small and medium enterprises. And an increase of 700 million won from 500 million won for merchant credit card fees. If the request is not reflected in the general meeting of the minimum wage this week, it is expected that it will be closed simultaneously in the country's convenience stores.

Jung Eun Park reporter [email protected]

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