Court "Unfair disciplinary disciplinary officer calling the lower female body"


[Gwangju = NewSise] Koo Yong-hee reporter = Court responded to a guest speaker of the same purpose to be able to see as the expression that was lowering some parts of the woman's body among the social book and l & # 39; 39, friendship event for the same purpose,

The first administrative section of the Gwangju District Court (deputy chief justice, Hyun-guk) brought a lawsuit against the head of the government. Central Administration of the Municipality,

In November 2016, A participated in a social rally with 38 local men in a province of South Jeolla Province (5 men and 33 women). As a toast to see, we responded with the same brand of toast.

After the complaints were filed, the municipalities conducted investigations.

However, the Ministry of Public Administration and Home Affairs asked the local authorities disciplinary action against Mr. A following a public inspection after violating the law. Obligation to maintain the dignity of local officials.

The autonomous body took disciplinary action against the reprimand after the decision of the Staff Committee of Jeonnam Province, and A, who disagreed, asked for the 39; call.

The court of appeal lowered the reprimand 19659002] A stated: "I made a statement as the reason for the discipline, but I did not violate the obligation to maintain dignity. "

The trial court said: "Mr. A's cheers" is an expression that calls a specific part of the body and shames the woman, and corresponds to the act of wearing undermining the dignity of a civil servant. "

" Mr. A's remarks are motivated by disciplinary reasons as they correspond to "other" types of violations of the obligation to maintain the dignity of local public officials .

However, "participants did not feel badual humiliation, disgust or badual shame because of cheers and responses, while participants testified or submitted the same facts. It's enough badual harbadment to be ashamed, it's hard to see. "

A number of women's bank notebooks were interviewed for the same intentions as those of A


The court said:" A competitor who did not express 39, objections to Mr. A's remarks at that time,

The court stated: "Mr. A has been faithful in his work and has received many awards, and he has no disciplinary power According to various circumstances, the disadvantages that will have A are not small, although the public interest in accomplishing by the provision is not great, "he said."

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