Coway hosts the 2nd Grand Blue Festival


  The 2nd Big Blue Festival of Culture and Water Arts, sponsored by Coway, is held from 19 to 22 on Yangyang Jukdo Beach, in Gangwon Province.
<코웨이(대표 이해선)가 후원하는 물 문화예술축제 제2회 그랑블루 페스티벌이 19일부터 22일까지 강원도 양양 죽도해변에서 성황리에 개최됐다.>

Water sponsored by Coway The 2nd Grand Blue Festival was held from 22 to 19 at Yangyang Jukdo Beach, Gangwon Province.

The 2nd Great Blue Festival was held at the 2nd Great Blue Festival, which is a festival that shows the importance of water through the cultural arts.

The main program, the movie, is a unique experience to watch movies on the water all night long on the beach. The film is directed by Lee Hyeon-seung, the film's director, and Mr. Hyeon Seon Coway as well as advertisers Jinyang Hae, Jung Jae Lee, Jeon Do Yeon, and received a good answer. Among the screenings, the Irish documentary film 'Bwin Land & # 39; was screened for the first time in Korea as the Grand Blue Festival.

Participation programs attracted by the public attracted attention.

The representative of the city said: "In the future, we will continue to experience the value of water in many ways. I will continue to cultivate cultural communication activities to ensure the status of Korea's representative water company. "

Lee Youngho reporter [email protected]

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