Croatia, Denmark wins wins … MOM & Scholarship Show & # 39;


Photos = FIFA Capture

Denmark beat Croatia in penalty kicks for not being able to advance to the quarter-finals, but football fans focused their attention on goalkeeper Casper Schmeichel (32) , Lestat City)

Denmark drew 1-1 against Denmark in the quarter-finals of the 2018 World Cup in Russia at Russia's Nizhny Novgorod Stadium on Saturday (February 2nd).

Denmark scored the first goal in the first minute of the match, but allowed only three minutes to tie the game in the first half, allowing a 1-1 shot.

However, the game was a penalty shoot-out when Schaemaker's defensive effort was overcome.

In the penalty shot, Schmeichel's save continued.

Croatian goalkeeper Daniel Subacić (34 years old, AS Monaco) was however a big advantage when Schmeichel eliminated his first kicker, Christian Ericsen. Subashic also tied 2-2 with Denmark's first kicker and a kick from the fourth kicker.

Ijsubasić blocked the goal of Denmark's last kicker, but Schmeichel was unable to block the goal of Croatia's last kicker, resulting in a penalty shoot-out between Denmark and Denmark. Denmark.

The Schumacher Savechow shows that "the Schumacher can not finish what he did", "the people who saw the dam" "Schmuckle is hard," Schmeichel wrote a drama, "I'm sorry that I ended up in tragedy", "I was crazy, I had a pk clbad," Schmuckle helped me with jam, "and" I can hear ransom. "

Kim Hye-ran Donga dot com reporter [email protected]

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