Cryptographic currency, over 1000 species up to now


& # 39; Death & # 39; Judgment Currency 1077 Cash …
This year, the size of the OIC is 15 trillion "in the past". … (19659004) Source: Getty Images Bank [아시아경제 이민우 기자] The survey found that more than 1,000 virtual currency projects that were issued before the first half of the year were destroyed It came out .

TechCrunch, an information technology (IT) specialist, said Thursday (Jan. 1) with companies such as Coin Obsidium and Dead Coins that the results were obtained. Considering that there are 1597 virtual currencies registered in the market capitalization that broadcasts the world market for virtual currencies, 67% of the virtual currencies currently exchanged are already out of date.

Coin Obssi, who provides notice, is deemed to be dead if the developer gave up, turned out to be a scam (scam), or the home page is no longer set day, or the knot of the virtual currency has disappeared.

A total of 247 virtual coins were issued by coin watchers. Among them, BitConnect, which is considered a typical Ponzi scam, has been included. Originally in Indonesia, BitConnect was a project that used AI to exchange coins and spread profits among investors. Investors filed a $ 3 billion investment in last year's announcement in the United States, but investors have filed international lawsuits since US authorities said fraud was suspected in January.

Dead coins ranked 830 virtual currencies down. The list includes the infrastructure services of the titanium block chain that the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has identified as fraudulent. In May, the SEC filed a lawsuit against Michael Stallary, president of Titanium Block Chain Infrastructure Services, for violating the Securities and Exchange Act. The company has partnered with giant corporations such as Walt Disney, Verizon, Boeing and Paypal, as well as the US Federal Reserve in connection with the issuance of virtual currencies and the United States. issuing of virtual currencies (ICO).

Despite the continued failure of virtual currency, the ICO market is booming. A total of 1370 billion US dollars were obtained from 537 ICOs this year, according to a survey by the Swiss consulting company Crypot Valley. Respectively last year, a total of 552 ICOs were held, double the $ 7 billion. During the same period, the average size of the OIC doubled from $ 12.8 million to $ 25.5 million

. ICO Telecom and IOS (EOS), which took place on a previous scale, accounted for most of the growth this year. Telegrams and blockchain platform providers, which provide security-specific messaging applications, attracted $ 1.7 billion and $ 4.1 billion, respectively.

Lee Min-woo, reporter [email protected]

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