Da Hong Fai "There is a virtual money bubble" vs Arlington "no bubble" | IT / Science | News


[글로벌 블록체인계의 슈퍼스타 다홍페이 네오 창업자]

"There is a bubble in the price of the token."

He was a bastard general. Michael Arrington said that there is no "bubble" when Daehong founder Pei Neo ("NEO") said "there is a bubble phenomenon in the cryptographic market."

21 at Grand Walker Hill in Gwangjin – At the "2018 Supply Chain Partner Summit," the buzz of the global blockchain hit the streets.

■ Deh Hong-Fei "All the technology of the chain of blocks is not a bubble, the chips are not the same as the" "

On the stage as the first Speaker of the Summit, De Hongfee introduced the topic with "Block Chain and Smart Economy." "The complete block-chain technology is not bubble-free, but the ICO chips (virtual currency chips) definitely have bubbles "

" The cryptographic industry has grown so fast that many have high returns.

Bulk block stocks related to the blockbuster are valued at $ 360 billion ($ 408.78 trillion), and block chain stocks "

" The block chain is a network protocol, the The Internet, the smart economy and the digital economy, "he said. It is an economy that is programmed in the form of tokens, and it is possible to collaborate globally in a group sharing, such as sharing ownership and sharing directors. "

[다홍페이는 현재 가상화폐는 거품이 빠진 상태라고 말했다.]

Extensibility," Containers "developed by truck drivers in 1950 were innovative icons such as deadlines for shipping. shorter shipping, automation and cost reduction, but they were also a key factor in the port union, the price It took a long time to spread widely due to the collusion and regulation of the authorities. "

"We can minimize barriers, reduce costs and minimize transaction sales by placing securities, bonds, etc. in financial and commercial chain containers," he said. "Pioneering the future with new disposable containers."

Finally, he says, "tall buildings such as skyscrapers also sell big holes, nothing seems to be seen from afar, it looks flat, the chain of blocks is there. stage of infrastructure construction,

■ Michael Arrington, founder of Tech Crunch "Do not call it a crypt, a bubble."

Following a speech by Da Hong Fai, a Group discussion followed.There was a controversy over Da Hong-pei's "bubble theory" in a four-person discussion, including FSB's Phillip Sandner Frank Crue, founder of Tech Crunch, Michael Arrington, founder of Ron Wong Proxima X, 19659013] Michael Arrington said, "We should not use the word" bubble "itself." "There is no bubble, bitcoin has dropped 75% over last year, but it's a good sign that a healthy market has formed, "he said."

"Cryptography is an illegal activity. [19659014] Dr. Philip Sandner explains how cryptographic money contributes to the promotion of freedom, in addition to the negative press. "

[프랑크프루트 경영대학 블록체인센터 필립 샌드너 박사]

He said:" Coins can also go down as stocks and disappear, but institutional technology has to admit the chain of blocks. "In some countries, such as Congo, South Africa, Africa, it is possible to make financial transactions through pbadwords."

[론 웡 프록시마X 창업자]

The founder of Ron Wong Proxima X said: "The controversy over the bubble is a natural phenomenon, I was asked to invest in a mining project in 2014, but I thought that this n & # 39; 39; was not an investment, "

" It's like the arrival of Internet dinosaurs like Microsoft, Google and Facebook, "he says," but it's different from four years It's going to be released soon. "

The 2018 Block Chain Partners Summit will be held at the Seoul Walkerhill Hotel from September 21-22 and will be hosted by BABI Finance, a Chinese block chain. a group of cryptographic media and spit, It is co-organized by the incubator, Chaineer.

Myung-ki Park hankyong dot com Journalist [email protected]

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