Ron (right) raises his Derby Championship trophy with his son Bryce Harper. [AP=연합뉴스]
The rich man and the father laughed together. Washington Nationals strikers Bryce Harper (26) won Derby at home for their home fans.
Harper defeated 19-year-old Chicago Cubs fielder Kyle Schwaber (25) in the American Major League Baseball (MLB) Championship final in Washington, DC, National Sparkle on 17 J & # 39. I beat the dog and won. Harper is third after Todd Fraser (2015, Cincinnati Reds) and Line Sandberg (1990, Chicago Cubs) won the home run derby.
Harper was named tournament champion at eight. This is because he has a unique career. In 2013, Harper is the youngest player to advance to the finals and win the finalists. Harper, who met Freddie Freeman (Atlanta Braves) in the preliminary round, finished the 13th circuit with 26 seconds remaining in the semi-finals. Mad Madman (Los Angeles Dodgers), who played an important role this season, Sir hit a home run with 12 homers. Time Limiter Half a quarter of the time, he managed a two-minute run, and Harper managed to hit the ball and beat his thirteenth homer with a minute and a half left.
Harper raised his hands after winning his first home derby. [AP=연합뉴스]
In the final, an even more surprising driving appeared. Schwever, who hit the plate first, hit 18 homers. A number that you can try to earn enough. Harper, who was in the back of the net, finished with nine homers, one minute and twenty seconds. His father, Ron, who threw a batting ball, was shaken and his home race was rare. However, after the break, he hit 9 strokes to make 18 ties. Harper, who scored two or more shots over 440 feet and had a 30-second bonus time, took the second ball over the fence and won the championship.
Harper's father, Ron, is a metallurgist in Las Vegas. Harper has been playing baseball with his father since childhood and grew up in his big league dream. Ron threw the ball when he played in the All-Star derby home run in 2013. Harper after the game, "I dreamed of playing with my dad, who worked hard for me and my family every day and was thrilled to have my father kick me in the big leagues.
Ron (right) ) raises his Derby Championship trophy with his son Bryce Harper [AP=연합뉴스]
Harper's costume has also attracted attention .. Harper has prepared for the American flag fashion in the US capital of Washington. to wear a hat, I tied my head with a flag, and the shoes, bats and wristwatches also included flags and flags Forty-six 3698 home fans who came to Nationals Park sent a unilateral acclamation to Harper.
Harper, I had an excellent batting ability, even after missing the heyday of high school, was named the first winner in Washington in 2010. He managed a double-digit home race in the top ten in 2012 to become a rookie of the National League, and in 2015 he won the title of player par excellence of the National League. Harper, who has been in the FA since the end of the season, is also expected to sign a $ 140 million contract for the first time in more than $ 325 million, or $ 365 million, in 13 years with the Miami Marines . But he hit 23 homers this season, but only hurt his reputation by 0.214. However, he proved once again his stellar performance in home run derby.
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