Daegu FC 30 days remaining market ticket sales … opportunity to see first come, first served idol: international newspaper


Photos. Daegu FC Homepage capture.

Daegu FC sells the remaining season tickets to present the K-POP Festivals in Daegu 2018

Daegu FC sells the remaining season tickets for the 2018 season D-

All those who have the subscription will be able to see the remaining home games of Daegu FC in 2018 and enter the stadium without listening to the ticket office.

It is possible to enter several seats simultaneously for a season, and the number of seats purchased will be deducted according to the number of pbadengers.

The purchase is available from 10am on the 30th and can be done on the Daegu FC home page.

The Daegu K-POP Festival 2018 & # 39; will be handed out to buyers on September 9, 2009. The K-POP Festivals & # 39; will be given to buyers on a first-come, first-served basis. It will be held at the Duryu baseball stadium, where we know that there are many idols like Warner One, Oma Girl and Astro. (F.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod (); ?
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