Daewoo E & C will launch 'Cheolsan Central Prugio & # 39; in Gwangmyeong, Gyeonggi Province


  A bird's eye view of 'Cheolsan Central Prugio & # 39; (Photo Source = Daewoo Construction)

A bird's eye view of Cheolsan's Central Prugon [Source: Daewoo Construction]

Daewoo E &

'Cheolsan Central Prugio', presented at 452 Cheolsang-dong, Gwangmyeong- if, Gyeonggi-do, is a reconstruction of the Cheolsan Jugong 4 complex. 2 underground floors, 29 floors above ground, 7 buildings, total 798 households. Of these, 323 households are sold in general.

The residential type has a private area of ​​59 ~ 105㎡. The number of households per exclusive zone is as follows: △ 59㎡ 164 households △ 84㎡ 153 households △ 105㎡ 6 households

Meanwhile, the control house of 'Cheolsan Central Prugio'. is located at 516-1 Iljyeong-dong,. (19689006)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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