Daily Sports Korea mobile site, "Pungmoon Show"


Courtesy Photo = Chain A & Showed with a rumor show & # 39; Retransmission

[일간스포츠한국 서지우 기자] It was reported that the former national footballer Cha Doo Ri (37) lost twice in a divorce lawsuit.

On Channel A, "Showed in the Wind" on the last 10 days, he spoke of the breakup of the couple

Photo provided = Cbad A capture of the show "Showed by the wind" [19659005 He started his honeymoon life in Germany, where he left for sports life. After getting his first daughter, he said: "The most difficult thing in life abroad is to endure loneliness. Now, when I get home, my wife and daughter are very happy to welcome me warmly. It seems that he has received a great gift of life through marriage. "

His happy marriage, however, did not last long. Another journalist said, "In March 2013, Chaduryi applied for a divorce settlement within five years of his marriage, claiming that his wife had been treated unfairly and that his relationship had been broken so that he could no longer to marry. "However, the court did not admit the petition for divorce, and the court did not accept the petition for divorce, but filed a petition for divorce after the first appeal, but in February 2017 it was decided to lose. "

A picture provided = Channel A A "Rumors" show

Another journalist then commented on his relationship with his wife: "There is nothing specifically known about this. It has not been revealed whether or not the divorce has been decided since the decision. "

On the other hand, in December 2008, he married Shin Hye Sung, the eldest daughter of the president of the Imperial Palace Hotel, Shin Chulho. In March 2013, five years later, they applied for a divorce settlement but failed to hear. The couple's divorce case was referred to trial in November of the same year.

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