Demonstration at Hong Kong International Airport for three days starting today / YTN


2019 ж. 09 May күні жарияланды

Protesters who oppose the Criminal India bill have expressed three days in a row at the Hong Kong International Airport to inform tourists from around the world.

In response to the protests, the Hong Kong International Airport has decided to implement special security measures for Terminal 1 where the demonstrations are taking place.

As a result, only pbadengers with pbadports and pbadports, pbadport holders, airport staff and airline employees departing within 24 hours of today will be able to enter the area. Hong Kong Terminal 1 Registration.

Cathay Pacific, Hong Kong's largest airline, advised travelers to arrive at Hong Kong International Airport as soon as possible and complete the boarding procedures online taking into account delays in the departure process.

▶ Original text: https: // …
▶ Report:, Mobile Application, [email protected], # 2424

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