Dennis Tenn, a character from "Goryein", was stabbed to death by a knife


Figure skater Denis Tenn (25, Kazakhstan), a descendant of the veteran of the hospital, was stabbed to death.

  Denis Teng (Kazakhstan) participates in the PyeongChang 2018 Men's Figure Skating Individual Figure Skating Program at the Gangneung Ice Arena, Gangwon Province, on October 16th. [뉴스1]

Denis Teng (Kazakhstan) will perform at the PyeongChang 2018 Men's Figure Skating Individual Figure Skating Program at the Gangneung Ice Arena, Gangwon Province, on October 16th. [뉴스1]

The agency Kazinform Kazakhstan reported on January 19 that "Denis Teng was sent to the hospital in Almaty, Kazakhstan, after being stabbed by a big knife, but finally left the world".

Ten, a native of Almaty, Kazakhstan, is a familiar player to fans of Korean figures who inherited the Koryo lineage. In 2014, she won the bronze medal at Sochi's figure skating. He also participated in the Winter Olympics Pyeongchang in February. She also appeared with Kim 's ice show as Kim Kim Yu – na' s "Queen of the Face" and Kim 's general manager, All Such Sports.

 Denis Ten, Kim Yu-na and gala show blows "with the Queen" [사진 데니스 텐 SNS]

Denis Ten, Kim Yu-na and the gala show "with the Queen" [사진 데니스 텐 SNS]

Become more famous as a grandson of a stranger. Her grandmother, Alexandra Kim, is a daughter of Min Jung Koo. Her last name, Ten, refers to Korean chung as a Cyrillic script in Russian.

Min Jung Ho was the clan of Yeoheung Min who produced the Empress Empress and, in 1907, during the forced dissolution of the Korean Imperial Army, the soldiers rallied and led the struggle anti-Japanese army. At that time, Minjung's troops fought 100 times with Japanese troops in the areas of Wonju, Yeoju, Icheon, and Hongcheon, and were repeatedly successful.

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