Destiny Guardians, expanding market boom


Participant: Buggy Studio Jerry Hook Project Director Cloization Glossary, Steve Cotton Director of the Game, Scott Taylor's Destiny Guardians, Shikai Wang AD

Developed by Buggy Studio on July 2 and developed by the Blizzard Entertainment's Game Services platform & # 39; Destiny Guardians & # 39 ;, a service via, held a press conference.
At the event, Bungie Studios game developers explained that the launch of "Destiny Guardians" is intended for a special service in the Korean market. The entire text and voice in the game are made in Korean, and the name is set up separately to motivate Korean users.
Above all, developers have expressed the hope that this game will serve as a starting point for Bungi Studios in the Asian market. In the past, the company has developed its services primarily in North America and Europe, where the console is strong, but that means expanding its market while freeing up that work. As a result, all subsequent additions of content will be made around the world, and the plan will promote eSports based on user feedback.

  ▲ From left to right, Jerry Hooke, director of the studio globalization project, Scott Taylor's Destiny Guardians, Steve Cotton Director of the Game, Shikai Wang AD <br />
(Photo = Kyung Hyang Games) </figcaption></figure>
  What follows is a Q & A specialization. </p>
<strong>  Q. </strong><br />
  Steve Cotton, the story behind the story? It is difficult to say exactly how many years after Destiny 1, but after the red wars. 
<p><strong>  Q. Is this a completely different game from "Destiny 2", or did you name the Korean version of Destiny 2 as "Guardians"? </strong><br />
  Steve Cotton. In Korea, "Destiny 2" is the "guardian". So it goes directly from Destiny 1 
<p><strong>  Q. How to establish national borders? </strong><br />
  Jerry Hook. Korean users will play on a separate Korean server 
<p><strong>  Q. [Destination Guardian] The Korean release is scheduled for September 5, is there a pre-test plan? </strong><br />
  Scott Taylor. There is no announcement yet and will be announced in the future. 
<p><strong>  Q. I know that & # 39; Destiny 2 & # 39; was published in October last year Why did you decide to launch in Korea now? </strong><br />
  Jerry Hook. Working with Blizzard took a long time to achieve complete localization. It took a lot of time to work on the surnowoo and work. </p>
<strong>  Q. There was controversy about the stochastic items, how is the BM in Korea? </strong><br />
  Jerry Hook. Blizzard will consult based on its experience in serving Korea up to now. </p>
<strong>  Q. The launch point is like "Destiny Forsaken", the next updates will be scheduled with "Destiny 2". </strong><br />
  Scott Taylor. It's the same as the release date of the "Forsaken". All future content will be published both globally and in Korea at the same time. </p>
<p><strong>  Q. Why is it so different from "Destiny 2"? </strong><br />
  Jerry Hook. I have cooperated with Blizzard and I thought that Korean users should focus on the people who play. Some of the Korean users have put up a separate denomination to emphasize that they are each a guardian. 
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  ▲ Photos = Fashionable Games
▲ Photos = Trend Games

Q. He showed the mode "Gambit", but seems to have e-sports in mind. Is there a plan for competition online or offline?

Steve Cotton. The mode like "Gambit" looks good as a spectator, and I think the potential as e-sports is enough. We will comment on user comments and will decide in the future.

Q. Last year, I excluded nine countries, including Korea, North Korea and Syria, from the list of countries supporting "Destiny 2". Was there a particular reason? Was Jerry Hook also thinking of launching Destiny's Guardian from that moment?
In Korea, PCs are more used than consoles, and the game itself was not supported at first because the console version came first. Since the launch of 'Destiny 2', I had planned to release 'Guardians'. The first step in launching the "Guardians" in the undocumented countries of "Destiny 2" is Korea.

Q. There is a mix of MMO elements, but the illegal program raises concerns because of the SPF, is there a preparation?
Jerry Hook. First of all, there are programs related to hacking and cheating, including bot detectors. All players plan not to use illegal programs to balance their skills.

Q. There are some users who like 'Destiny 2' on the console, is it possible that the location is applied to the console?
Jerry Hook. In this regard, there will be a moment to announce the launch of the PC version at an impromptu time

Jez, Dong-jin, Blizzard's Korea representative, What is the meaning of "Destiny Guardians"? and subsequent publications? This will be the first publication success, and will be able to enjoy "Call of Duty Black Ops 4" thereafter. Business also makes sense. Activision will have the opportunity to enjoy several queues on It is expected that it is a significant title for the expansion of the line-up.

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