"Do not embellish suicide" –


The word "embellishment of suicide" coined by the former President of the Party of the Republic of Korea, Hong Joon-pyo, is an arrow for himself.

Hong, who is currently in the United States, resigned from leadership of the party with a defeat in local elections in the June 13 elections, said May 28. Referring to the president. "In any case, suicide is not a normal society," he writes. "If you make a mistake, you have to accept the corresponding punishment, but choosing to kill yourself to avoid it is simply another avoidance of liability.Suicide is another crime against life."

The "horse" of Hong has spread in a few moments. "It's a strange world that criticizes the leftists if they say the same thing, and right-handers denounce it if they repeat it." & # 39; Chungcheoljaein & # 39; is one of the nicknames of the late fire Roh. Kim Hyun, a spokesman for the Democratic Party, said, "President Hong has not been able to give up his habits in the United States and shows no picture." He criticizes Hong, who practices the marketing of cruel noise in other countries. 19659004] A spokesman for Choi Seok-pyo said in a briefing on the day, "Nobody has honored the death of the leader of the ruling clbad." He expressed sympathy for the situation until his death and was sick. He stressed that "the former president of the Korean Free Party, Hong Joon-pyo, who left many imperfections, added a word about his last visit to the party leader, Nong Chan -chan, a beloved Korean politician. "

" I will accept Hong's remarks as a statement of politics to blame the public for being a citizen because he is a citizen of the United States. a politician. "" I should not promote myself through noise marketing,

Hye Tae Kyung Bum, a member of the Party of the Future, said on his facebook, "It is now time to increase the # 39; dissatisfaction of the people and send the Pebukdo. " People complained, "

A spokesman Kim Chul – Keun of the party also told his Facebook team that"

Lee Jun-suk, the former chairman of the Party of the Future, said through his SNS "I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Cho," I do not know if the recent mourning atmosphere seems to be an embellishment of suicide because of my death, "said Hong, adding that "the public is saddened and saddened by the disappearance of the people who were needed in this political scene." "I saw the same phenomenon in President Roh Moo-hyun, and I do not know why I should look at that point of view. "

Park Ji-Won, a member of the Democratic Party of Peace, also told Facebook that"

The same MP Kim Hyung-koo, a vice president of the same party, said: "There is no beautiful nation," he wrote, "I think maybe the deceased will smile, In his commentary, "Mr. Hong's remarks are not worthy of an answer" and "the praise, mourning and memorial service for the life of the ruling clbad leaders are the 39, embellishment of the suicide and blasphemy against the deceased.

A taste columnist, Hwang Ji-kee, who is actively showing his social and political views is "I have not seen anyone gloriously boasting of Noriechan's suicide, many people are complaining about his death." He praised his political life as an "embellishment" in the eyes of Hong Joon-pyo: "Even if he has accidents or soldiers, the atmosphere will be the same now."

Hong was elected Roh Moo-hyun's president last February while he was governor of Gyeongnam Province, adding: "Hong Joon-pyo is a very sad person in life itself. The former president also said that he was a "bribe and suicidal man." The same year, when he declared his candidacy for the March presidential election, he declared: "I will commit suicide if the Supreme Court sentences me". I will not say suicide in the future, but I will say that it is an extreme option. "

Reporter Park Min-ji [email protected]

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