Does the wastewater discharge the toxic substance "hydrogen sulphide"? Four unknowns



Today, a toxic substance, hydrogen sulphide, has been filtered by a Sangjang-dong sewage treatment plant, Sasang-gu, Busan, during the day. Ten workers, including those working at the scene of the accident, were taken to the hospital and four of them were still unconscious. I'll link you to Koo Seok-chan, who is there.

Woo Guk Chan, now hydrogen sulphide is completely stopped now? Or is it even a small leak?


There is still a small smell of rotting egg on the stage.

The police set up this yellow check line just after the accident to prevent citizens from entering.

In case of fire, I continue to measure the gas levels with this machine.

In short, the concentration in the atmosphere will be 0, which indicates that the outside air is safe.

However, according to firefighters, at the scene of the accident, second-floor sewage treatment plant, 150ppm, or 10 times the standard value immediately after the accident, still exceeds the 100 ppm.

Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act, hydrogen sulphide is prescribed as a hazardous substance in the workplace and the average is maintained at 10-15 ppm or less.

When exposed to high concentrations, the central nervous system becomes paralyzed and breathing stops.


So, how are accidents going now that four people are still unconscious?


The accident occurred at the sewage treatment plant from here around 1:10 pm today.

It is a place to treat sewage from various industrial sites.

The fire department estimates that trucks carrying wastewater generate hydrogen sulphide, causing unexpected chemical reactions with existing materials when sewage is discharged into the tank.

A witness said that it was not serious, but the explosion sounded.


For example, is it a safety directive or does it seem well followed in the field?


At the time of the accident, workers would have poor safety equipment, such as masks and goggles.

Because of this, seven people, including workers at the workplace and drivers, who were at work, drank gasoline, and four of them lost consciousness and were in the trouble.

In addition, three other factory workers in the vicinity of the accident were treated at the hospital complaining of vertigo and nausea.

As a result, the total number of victims was 10.


I told you why on the second floor there was still gas. I said that there was no answer from the reporter who was standing there. There seems to be a chemical reaction on the ground: what steps have been taken?


There is still about 50 tons of sewage in the pool, so the bubbles rise.

The local service office and firefighters work to neutralize by pouring tap water into the tank.

But when it's over, it's unknown.

The constituency office has also started treating hydrogen sulphide as a dust collecting facility because it is a densely populated area and that no housing complex is available. # 39; surrounds.


Koo Seok-chan said at the scene of the Busan accident.

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